Fivemega should be offering the smooth (mirrored) reflectors shortly (how long can you wait?), check the Group Buy forums weekly or you may miss out. Both the MOP & LOP, what you call 'fuzzy' that fivemega was selling are not currently available (Medium Orange Peel, Light OP)
I assume you need the patented M*g cammed operation (quick focus/defocus, spot-to-donut hole flood capability)? If not Carley 1940 reflectors that have been modified will also work, but you'll either have to wait for another GB on these or post a wanted to buy ad in the GB forums.
Oops, I mean post in the B/S/T-lights??? forum, a wanted-to-buy(WTB) ad.
Good luck, not easy to get these items.
If in dire need of metal reflector, and all else fails; for 20watt or less bulbs, you could spend $25 + shipping on a M*gCharger replacement reflector, remove the metal reflector insert from that, and place it into a plastic standard M*g reflector.