Need an ID on this tiny flashlight.


Dec 1, 2008
I have this really small flashlight or keychain light that I found in a box of "stuff". I have no idea what it is. The biggest problem is what kind of battery it might use. I thought an AAA but as you can see in the photos, an AAA isn't it. I'm not farmilliar enough with some of the others. I think there's some short batteries, shorter than AAA but I don't know which ones.

EDIT: From the measurements even an AAAA would be too long. Seems to be just about 36mm room for length and 10mm for diameter. I thought of A23, but it's 12v and the 122 bulb is 1.2V. I'm lost on this one.

I thought one of you might know or even have one yourself. If you know anything, I would sure appreciate the heads up.





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wow thats a neat little light. Are you sure a cr2 will fit in that. a 12v cr23 battery will. I looked at pics of a cr2 battery and they look just like a 123 battery. Forgive my ignorance if I am wrong flying turtle.
Read my edit above. Sorry, I should have put all that in the first post. It's a 1.2v bulb so it's got to be a 1.2v battery. I think it would?

EDIT Again: From what I can figuer out with possible combinations, the spring goes over the threads on the bulb. It sticks out a little past the bulb + terminal that way and would stop a battery from touching the + terminal till you pushed the button on top. So, when I lay that out, it would mean about 30mm of room to fit in. That's with the spring uncompressed. With the spring compressed a little it's about 32mm.

So a battery about 32mm tall and no more than 10mm diameter?

I must be missing something, since there's nothing close to that. Maybe a spacer is missing. That would let one of those flat style camera/watch batteries work. That would be 1.5v
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that looks like a stardard screw in type bulb if you could find a 3v battery that would fit you could put in a 222 bulb and use it instead.
I think an N sized cell might fit, look up UM-5

they are 1.5V, I have a clock that uses that sort of cells.

heres the ANSI dimsensions
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I googled 112 bulb and it came back as a e10 base bulb. after a few searches I found many sites that carry this bulb in many sizes. I think you are right when you thought watch battery. garrity even makes a bulb like this for a aa flashlight.
just go buy one of those cheap laser pointer swap the batteries to your light.
Are you sure its a 1.2 bulb. cuz the 112 e10 base bulb which looks just like that is a 1.5 bulb.