Need Assistance with a sewing machine task light


Newly Enlightened
Oct 11, 2004
Nova Scotia, Can
Hi all,

I am a little stumped on how to proceed with this so I am coming to you.....I have the following sewing machine that I would like to be able to mount the lowest possible LED setup that will give better lighting to the walking foot/needle area. I am seeking the following specs: 40-100 lumens, flat as possible body - it will be epoxied to the metal machine housing (heatsink), white light as possible, 4-12 volt plug adaptor power source, or even maybe 123A/AA - I dont sew that long in terms of time, so I think it wouldn't be too rich to go battery. Here is the machine and rough location for mounting.


I was thinking of mounting a star direct to the machine body, but was sure about a driver board...maybe direct drive?

Any helps would be appreciated.

For the lumens you stated you want a 1W LED. Mounting the star to the body of the machine is fine, but you may want to protect the dome of the LED (they can be knocked off) with some sort of cover. At 1W you probably don't even need thermal epoxy.

For plugging into the wall, this driver on, SKU 13554 would be perfect for a 1W star. Just make sure to mount it in a plastic box for safety.

I didn't see any low-voltage boards for 350 mA, which is what you want for a 1W LED unless you want to buy 20 of them from dealextreme, but SKU S002982 from can be modified by changing a resistor, if you're up to that. Many of the others can be modded too, but there were notes in the reviews on how to do it for this one.
