Need favour: Buying Brinkmann lights


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 6, 2001
Perth, Western Australia
Hi fellow forumites. I have been hearing good things about the Walmart Brinkman 1LED flashlight. Cheap but good light, was one of the comments. Unfortunately, much as I want to try it out, there are no Walmarts in Perth, nor do any of the stores sell this particular light (though I have not searched exhaustively for it yet.)

I asked a fellow forumite if he could help me out (Thanks KenBar), but he doesn't have a Walmart near him.

I would like to ask a favour of anyone who is willing. To help me buy 3 of those lights and post them to me. I can either pay for it via an international money order, or post you something equivalent in value as a trade, whichever you wish.

Please let me know either through email or this thread.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Steelwolf, isn`t the step-up what your really after? I wonder if you would be happier waiting to see what happens with the newly discovered "built into the pr base bulbs"? You could take those apart.

Well, 2 of the lights, I have use for as is. The third one I am planning to take apart.
Thanks everyone so far. Blades has emailed me offering to help me out. Edwood, thanks for finding the link. But ChrisM is right. The price of these lights from REI are not that cheap, and the shipping charges are pretty expensive too.
the brinkmann's have been "missing" from the wal-mart pegs here in pa. for 3 months but the peg still is there? i have seen shipping costs exceed 150% for single items! within the usa. international shipping costs an arm and a ?
I will try to find out what shipping would run at the P/Office this week and post it here...I think they sell for around $12 or 13
I just checked their site- cos I`d kinda like one too- you know, reviews and all that.
They can ship overseas. But- the shipping charges are very expensive and based on the price of the order. That little Brinkmann at $15 is going to cost you $19 to have it shipped. I`m sure it can go by regular airmal even to Australia, for a lot less. Even though I`m used to paying loads for overseas shipping for the light bulbs and stuff I buy from Ebay (see my site if you`re interested), I still don`t like paying more for shipping than the price of the actual item! Doesn`t seem right somehow.....

I haven't seen the Brinkman on he shelves of my local Walmart here in NJ for a number of months now. I sure hope they're still planning on selling them. I think the Brinkman is the link between us enthusiasts and the every day consumer. If you want to reach the masses, you can't go wrong with a low price and Walmart as your retailer.
I recently picked up this light(wal-mart) - it was the last on the shelf. They were not sure when they might get more.

It is not small for a 2AA - thin soda can shape and size.

The body construction is poor, but it does SUCCESSFULLY THROW a spot beam a fair distance. Unlike other overdriven multiple LED lights that can't achive any distance what-so-ever.

Since your initial post, I have visited 3 Wallmarts in the area, and came out empty handed each time. Today when I visited another Walmart, I learned the following about the Brinkman Lights. For some reason, the entire Brinkman product line is not automatically re-ordered into the stores...
"point of sales - automatic replentishment", but rather must be physically re-ordered by the department manager. To make a long story short, I should have a dozen lights available to me by June 24 +/- week.

The lights sell for $11.56 plus 8% sales tax 0.93 = $12.49 each.

Each light is clam shell with 2 AA batteries, and weigh 5.8 ounces per package.
3 of them, about 18 ounces plus a "jet pack" envelope, 5 ounces... figuring 24 ounces to Perth should be $ 12.30 via United States Postal Service; 7-10 days for delivery from Los Angeles

I will be happy to help you out if the numbers look right to you, and you can wait a couple more weeks for Wal-mart to get them in stock.

Just let me know...
Mr Ted Bear, (Good name.
HBF health insurance is using a character of that name here in Australia)

At the moment, Gadget is looking in to helping me out in this area, since Blades has not contacted me with further information. In addition, Gadget has access to purchasing several TL496 IC chips, which I need for another project. I think that if Gadget is able to help me out with the Brinkmanns, it would make more sense for me to liase with him.

But I would like to thank all of you for being willing to help me out. I'm really pleasently surprised at the community spirit here, even if we are only an electronic community.
Yep, they still have 8 of them on the hook.

$11.56 each plus 5% tax.

So now you have two options, Ted's generous offer or mine. Either way is fine by me.

Still wondering if you want the whole package with batteries or just the lights themselves. The lights without batteries weigh 2.5 oz. each. The documentation that comes with the light may take that up to 3 oz.

Let me know here or email me.