Need help mixing and matching surefire e-series


Jun 13, 2002
Austin, TX
I've been away from all this for a while, concentrating on custom knives. So rather than wade thru all the threads on the KL-1, I need the assistance from you "luminaries" to mix and match all these parts to make the best two lights. When I say best, I'm looking for that balance between light output, battery life, and size/weight. (aren't we all!) Here are the parts available:

E1e exec body
E2e exec body
plain tailcap
E1e head and incand bulb
E2e head and incand bulb (I know the heads are the same)
KL-1 head
(and here's the kicker)
LS1 first head modified to fit E series body (thanks again Aragorn).
Surefire beam shapers

Okay, mix and match and let me know your suggestions for the best e1 and best e2 I can build from these parts.
I am no expert but if I had to have two lights with me. It would be the E2e with MNO3, and another one with KL1. The E1e doesn't really do anything for me. Its a ''cute''flashlight.