Need help with my Spy007 power-up 3 please...


Oct 9, 2007

Somehow each level has different brightness settings now, not as a factory setup.

No i tried the power-up 3 to make a factory reset, and according to the description
it takes a couple of minutes for the calibration.

Meanwhile the Led dims down and then starts again to dim down. But it has now end.
After 10minutes still the same procedure. The Led dims down and starts again to dim down.

Is that right? How long does it take for a complete factory reset???

The reset should end with sweeping a few times and gettin back to PL3. But how
does it take to calibrate?

Please someone help...:huh:

EDIT: After 25minutes now its still the same...the Led dimms down and then starts at the same
brightness level than before to dimm that correct?
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I just tested the power-up 4 and 5 to lower or to raise a level.

These power-up do not work to. After the 9seconds where you choose the level you want
to modify, the led does not flicker. Nothing no dimming, nothing. :(

Power-up 5 to raise the levels seem to work, but power-up 4 not, there is no flickering. It also seems
that the the light cant dimm to 2mA down anymore, as it should do so also in the power-up 3 but
it does not, it seems to be much brighter.

Is there anything broke now with the board? How could that happen?
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You may need fresh batteries. If the ones you have in there don't have enough ooomph to power level 6 at max, It won't calibrate properly.
I've had that issue once, fresh batteries worked for me.
I already tried several battery's :(

And why the light cant dim down in power-up 4?

EDIT: Its a little frustrating, i changed the battrys before i used 2*Cr123 and now with the 2*Rcr123
each level has change in brightness, and when i put the 2*Cr123 back in it, i have other brightness
levels again. :sigh:
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If this is the new XPG Version, try
Remove the battery cap, set to P1, Reinsert batteries & Select Slot 1.
Then try a PU3.
If that doesn't work, try the same but for Slot2, then 3, etc.
Just guessing at steps I would try.
Then contact Dave.

Its the SSC P4 version... #0217

I treid the PU3 and after that the lights works fine, but a few hours later
i had the same problems like before. :(
Its really the PU3 works fine as in the description, but after the End there has
nothing changed. :(

Each levels still works incorrect. I hope Dave will fix teh problem. I think i need to send
the Spy to him.
In cases like this when the uP can not read the switch position it is usually caused by water or battery acid inside the light. I will let you know what I find when I get it apart.

Somehow you will fix it...i am really sure that AW i use was not leaky.

But we will see...the light was shipped today and should arrive the next
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Best of luck with your repair. Dave will get it working for sure!

It's going to be a good month without your Spy - I hope you have some other illuminating friends to keep you warm during your time away. I know weeks feel like months when I have to send a Spy back to Dave for work.