Need light suggestion


Mar 23, 2004
Our supervisor at work is looking into buying the maintenance crew new flashlights. I would say that 80 percent of the time they will be used in close quarters (electrical cabinets and such) Runtime is not an issue.

Criteria for the lights are:
25-35 dollar range
preferably combo lighting led/xenon
durable and wearable

I suggested perhaps something from the Streamlight Twin Task series?? They obviously won't blow the coin on the E2e/KL1 combo as I usually carry, but anything other than a 2AA mag would be a welcome improvement. What are your thoughts and'or suggestions??
Yes, industrial environment. The plant is climate controlled...more dusty than anything else.
Since I bet they won't want to buy 123's, the 3AA Twin Task would be great...but it's long. Still, it does give you what you asked for...a hybrid. Nuwai makes a few (I think it's the AL606) that takes AA's and is a hybrid.
How about headlamps, wouldn't they come in handy, especially when you need to have both hands free? If so, there's a lot of choices to choose from, especially hybrid ones. I would think that the PrincetonTec EOS would be nice for short to medium range illumination.

Otherwise for a handheld, I'd also like to suggest the Inova T1, its extremely bright for a 1x123 light, but that is if your office doesn't mind using 123s though.
Hmm, I don't think the 123 idea will fly, so those Inovas and TTs are out. Though long, the 3AAs would fit the bill.

In this environment, incan would not need to be a priority, so LEDs like the Streamlight Jr. might be good. They are similar in size to Mags, so would look familiar, but have lots of punch, maybe too much for close up work, but I don't think so.

The UKE 4AA is another good choice, or a Princeton Tec. I like the SL Jr body more than the plastic form factors, but that's just me.

The 123s will be fine, we have other equipment that use these cells. I think they have made their minds up on the SL TTs, but wanted some "seasoned" advice.