Don't know how many are familiar with Jug fishing for catfish but i'm getting into it. Now days instead of using milk jugs and such. Most use the foam noodles that are sold for swimming pools and such. we cut them about 14 inches long and tie the line to the end so that when a fish gets on them it'll pull that end down and make the noodle stand up in the water. we wrap a piece of reflective tape around that end of the noodle. I need a bright, fairly long lasting spotlight to shine down the lake to see my noodles at night. Don't want to spend a fortune on one so keep the price reasonable. My brother has a yellow and black light he bought at sams club a few years ago that has the high and low switch on it and the huge reflector. it sounds like the thor i have read about on here but cant remember what sams club called it. I don't want to spend over $60 or so, maybe $70. Just need something pretty bright and that'll last awhile, also need one that can be charged from the boat battery while being used!!!!!! I've noticed some wont charge while turned on. Thanks for any help!!!!!!:thumbsup: