Need something brighter than ROP HI but with good run time


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 23, 2007
Bozeman, Montana
Okay, I've learned TONS in here since joining, but I'm in a time crunch and need some help. I need a Kick Arse light for my Dad for Christmas to light up his 5 acre parcel behind the house.

I have a ROP HI 2D mag with a luxluthor 7.2v pack and am reasonably impressed. I also have a "flamethrower" Osram 64623 setup running a 15.6v Lux pack. WOW :twothumbs! What I want is something in between that I can easliy assemble using a stock Maglite switch. I can get it bored I think in time for xmas and plan on using FM's reflector and G4 bi pin socket. I could order AW's switch if needed, but don't think it'd be here in time.

I also need it to be fairly simple in set up and use for my dad. At the most, I think he could or would be able to handle a smart charger, but I don't want to get any more complicated than that. I'd like to keep the size to 2D if possible so he can keep it on his table next to "the chair" where he "lives at" most of the time :rolleyes:.

I've researched the 1111, 1185, 5761 and 64275 ( all the bulbs that work in the G4 socket). I've looked at Lux's destructive bulb info as well. I'm still not sure what I should go with though.

Can someone advise on something brighter than my ROP, but with reasonable runtime 30+ minutes? ANY help would be greatly appreciated as I'm in a time crunch here and I REALLY want to impress my Dad with something I KNOW he doesn't have... really hard to do anymore :thinking:!

Thanks in advance!
Hi Dan,

I would recommend going with the 1185, it is the most efficient bulb. An 1185 on nine eneloops or duracell precharged 2000mah 30+ min and is definitely brighter than ROP. With the Fivemega battery carrier your dad would not even have to take the cells out of the carrier to charge, just plug and play. And using the low self discharge batteries he could leave it unused for months and come back to a charged light every time.

Another reason I prefer nimh as opposed to li-ion for non flashaholics, is they are safe, and dont need the special treatment most li-ion cells require.
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I second that. Either go with the 1185 on 3 li-ions, or the 5761 (which would be brighter and potentially smaller) with 2 emolis.
I second that. Either go with the 1185 on 3 li-ions, or the 5761 (which would be brighter and potentially smaller) with 2 emolis.

If you do choose the 5761 on li-ion I strongly recommend the soft start, or you will have bulb flashing issues to over come.
If you do choose the 5761 on li-ion I strongly recommend the soft start, or you will have bulb flashing issues to over come.
I agree.I've stopped using 5761's because of the problem with instaflashing.On the other hand,if you want to give your father a light that is easy to use but has alot of power, you should consider a magcharger with a 5761.It has more throw than a DBS and nearly as much spill as a ROP.The best part is it can sit in it's charging cradle and is ready when he needs it.BTW instaflashing is not a problem.
I second the Magcharger selection, with either the 5761 (slight reflector reaming required) or a WA 1160 which will give longer run time and is more forgiving all around.

For a non-flashaholic (there are such people, right?) the snap in charger is a simple, safe alternative.
Is FM still making these battery holders and if so, what battery charger do I pair it with? A smart charger? I have one of his M6 17670 holders that came with a jack, but I have no idea to what it mates to.

Could I use a pack from Luxluthor as well?

Thanks for all the great input so far everyone:thumbsup:


Hi Dan,

I would recommend going with the 1185, it is the most efficient bulb. An 1185 on nine eneloops or duracell precharged 2000mah 30+ min and is definitely brighter than ROP. With the Fivemega battery carrier your dad would not even have to take the cells out of the carrier to charge, just plug and play. And using the low self discharge batteries he could leave it unused for months and come back to a charged light every time.

Another reason I prefer nimh as opposed to li-ion for non flashaholics, is they are safe, and dont need the special treatment most li-ion cells require.
Is FM still making these battery holders and if so, what battery charger do I pair it with? A smart charger? I have one of his M6 17670 holders that came with a jack, but I have no idea to what it mates to.

Could I use a pack from Luxluthor as well?

Thanks for all the great input so far everyone:thumbsup:


Fivemega has the adaptors marked "available" here for 6 and 9 AA (9 for 1185). As far as I know Luxluthor is no longer making packs, so you would have to find a seller with a used one. As for a charger I think this is the type of charger you will need, but you may want to confirm with others.

One other thing I was going to throw out is these adaptors are a low cost option that can still charge cells in the adaptor by using alligator clips on each end.
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Brighter AND Longer running in the same 2D size package requires cramming more energy storage into the body, which either means look at 8AA cells, or 2 D size li-ion cells. Since there aren't any production "cradle" style chargers for D size li-ion cells, and I wouldn't give those cells as a gift to anyone, I think you are stuck with options revolving around 8AA cells. Probably best to have the body bored for that.

The 1164 is the bulb I seem to recall being popular for use on 8AA cells, it will be brighter than a ROP, but the runtime would be about the same.

To be both brighter and longer running than a ROP high, I think the most practical solution is to move up to a larger host size. The 1185 build on 9AA eneloops is probably the smartest option. It meets every requirement accept for host size, requiring a 3D mag instead.

Brighter AND Longer running in the same 2D size package requires cramming more energy storage into the body, which either means look at 8AA cells, or 2 D size li-ion cells. Since there aren't any production "cradle" style chargers for D size li-ion cells, and I wouldn't give those cells as a gift to anyone, I think you are stuck with options revolving around 8AA cells. Probably best to have the body bored for that.

The 1164 is the bulb I seem to recall being popular for use on 8AA cells, it will be brighter than a ROP, but the runtime would be about the same.

To be both brighter and longer running than a ROP high, I think the most practical solution is to move up to a larger host size. The 1185 build on 9AA eneloops is probably the smartest option. It meets every requirement accept for host size, requiring a 3D mag instead.


Thanks Eric and crew!:D

I might just have to change my thoughts on the 2D size. I don't have one at hand, but how much longer is the 3D size?

roughly ~2.5" longer.

I would also like to make one further suggestion:

Are you sure he really needs something brighter than an ROP high for this?

I've found that bulbs like the ROP low, HPR71, and the GE787, can deliver plenty of light for punching into the woods at 200+ft ranges. The performance difference in actual use between a ~400 lumen and ~800 lumen light isn't that big of a deal once you are actually using the light and have a chance to work with it in the field. Sure, we can see the difference when they are compared side by side, but then practicality comes into play. When the fun of something really bright wears off, and we actually have to accomplish something, a lower power bulb starts to look like a great alternative as it provides the kind of runtime necessary. These bulbs all run right around the 2 amp mark when driven ~7.2V. Which puts them close to 1 hour runtime on a 6AA pack.
