need suggestions on a good macro camera...


Sep 27, 2002
Northbrook, IL
not looking to spend $500 on a camera, and it doesnt necessarily need to be 4 gigapixels like this one:

i'll spend in the area of $250 but i need something that can focus well at small distances. a 6 inches max maybe.

i know there's something called "Close-Up" which isnt the same thing as macro if anyone can clarify and recommend please. i dont think anything over 3.2 megapixels is necessary unless they're free /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

if you have any good shots, post those as well.

i dont remember what i took this with, it was my friend' cybershot, dont remember the exact model not the newest.


full size

i rememeber reading about a camerea that was good to like 1/4 inch.i will try to recall model number but it was only 3 megapxeil i think it was a kinoca minolta
The Canon Powershot A85 should fit your needs nicely. I recently bought one for scuba diving. Here's a quick pic I took:

Pick up a Nikon Coolpix 995 from E Bay. If you choose the seller carefully to assure you of getting a correctly working unit you will go ape over the possibilities open to you with this camera! If you are no techno whiz, put everything on auto and go for it. But if you like to controll the final image as most photographers do, nothing, but nothing can match the Nikons for user controll over creativity! Because of Nikon's light metering and focusing systems it's hard to take a BAD photo! With the later rechargable batteries they switched too, you can get a lot more shots than before. I still recommend an extra battery though:)

Also, the Nikon photo editing software is IMHO better and easier to use than most others.

Just my 1/4 cent:)

BTW yes you used a Sony Cybershot for that picture on 9/24/2003.

I've been looking at the Ricoh Caplio R1 (the 4MP version) and it has a macro mode down to 10mm (0.4") or a telemacro down to about 120mm (4.7").
Can you find the Ricoh in AU?
Forgot to mention this, but from what I have read here previously, they were not available in the US.
try nikons... older models which I know for sure such as 995, 5400 or 4500 had an excellent macro. I also loved metering on them. 995 was a real power eater but if you work at home or indoors quick investment in ac adaptor would solve that problem.
