New 3D cell Maglites $13 at Target(!)


Jul 3, 2001
I stopped at my local Target store last night, and as I always do, I checked the flashlight section. Much to my surprise, there were 'temporary reduction' tags on all of the D cell Maglites: 2D $11.99, 3D $12.99,
4D, $13.99. (regularly $18.99 to $21.99).

These prices were not advertised in the regular Sunday newspaper flier. This is almost certainly not a chain wide 'promotion', but it may be worth checking a Target store if there's one not too far from you.
I hope they are going out of buisness
Mag, that is
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by alex cooper:
I hope they are going out of buisness
Mag, that is

What have you got against Maglites???? For the money, they make a very tough, very well made aluminum flashlight. They aren't perfect, by any means, but do the job they were designed to do. Some day you may wish you had a light that's good for 5 or 6 hours, and is also tough enough to serve as a self defence weapon. Your Surefire sure as h**l can't do that!

"Stand back, or I will be forced to beat you severely about the head and shoulders with this.....Surefire E2e". I don't think so....
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JJM:
... I like Maglites. They are not perfect, but they are arguably the best in the mass-market consumer class of flashlights. They are well made, reliable, and a good value for the money... There are a few posters here who regularly bash Maglite. Really don't understand why, unless it's just to hear themselves roar.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Amen to that.

Sure, granted, I'm a big Surefire fan, and own 5 for different specific purposes at work and home. That being said, I also own 2 Princeton Tecs, 5 Pelicans, and 3 Mags. If it throws light, that's fine by me.

I guess my real disappointment with Mag is that they've been in the business so long, and probably got their manufacturing costs so darn low, I'd love to see them innovate. Something new, a new design, a new switch system, a new rechargable. But something. They have alot of market strength behind them, and such a huge distribution outlet. Think about it, when was the last time you saw a Surefire, Pelican, or Princeton Tec at Target, KMart, Wal-Mart, or your local hardware store?

Mag could make a big dent in the market share of other higher-end flashlight manufacturers by taking that proverbial "walk on the wild side". And with their production number strength, they could amortize development and manufacturing costs across a large volume of lights, and still come in less expensive than some of the other players.

C'mon, Mag, step up to the plate.
no by any means the mag is NOT perfect, but the ringed beam is welcomed when working in the dark, for a long time and batts,bulbs on a millon store shelfs around the world (almost) you can't beat it.
I have to say, I like my 3D Mag too. Even more, I like my Brinkman 2D Legend in the pewter finish. It's a really good looking light. Now If I could just get it to put out a good light. TX
I had also noticed that sale on Maglites at one Target near me, but not at another one. Looks as if it is indeed not a chain-wide sale. If I remember correctly, the sale ends, at least at the one near me, on April 13.

I like Maglites. They are not perfect, but they are arguably the best in the mass-market consumer class of flashlights. They are well made, reliable, and a good value for the money.

For general purpose, emergency, home, or vehicle use, I don't want or need to spend $80-$250 or whatever for a superduper bazillion-candlepower ninjafied flashlight requiring expensive batteries that only run an hour and a half. If anyone needs or wants something specialized for a special purpose, go for it.

There are a few posters here who regularly bash Maglite. Really don't understand why, unless it's just to hear themselves roar.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gandalf:
Some day you may wish you had a light that's good for 5 or 6 hours, and is also tough enough to serve as a self defence weapon. Your Surefire sure as h**l can't do that!

"Stand back, or I will be forced to beat you severely about the head and shoulders with this.....Surefire E2e". I don't think so....

My friend, you must take a kubotan class
E2e can be a very good defence tool. You know that saying - "it's not how big it is, it's how you use it".
And you have no idea how I look like. There is a slight chance that I may be 6ft tall,weight 270lbs, and bench 400.

For the run time: I got a Litebox with 8hr run time and Survivor with 2hrs in it. If I need more runtime, I'll put a light tower up. It is about as bright as a stadium light, with 30-35hr run time.
And I have not mentioned a SureFire on this topic.......