Moderator, *Mammoth Killer*
I notice that Coast had some new lights at the Shot Show this year and they are finally starting to use more normal battery configurations(AA,AAA) These look as attractive as the other lights they have and the cost seems very good also. Does anyone have any first hand experience with these new lights yet?...The MicroTac torch shows to use a single AAA battery and the TurboTac shows to use a single AA.I can not find much more information on these but they look promising.Scroll down a few lights on the page linked here and let me know some opinions of these new lights.I always have liked the look of Coast lights but their use of button cells always turned me off a little....maybe these will be a decent light finally....there is also a new light by coast that shows to be a Luxeon powered by a single AA cell.It is a smooth stainless prototype and claims 65 lumens.Now this would be very cool if it is what they say it is...
Coast Lights
Coast Lights