So. There I was. Happy. My USLs ordered and paid for, ditto a couple of Lioncubs. I ordered a few of the new 3-watt Pelican lights from BatteryStation.com, too. I'm thinking: "sure, I'm broke, but at least there's not much that I want to buy coming over the horizon." Then I went to Cold Steel's Special Projects website. Big mistake. Check it out. You, too, may feel inexplicably pulled toward these knives (the 1st 5). So, anyone know of a source for really low interest loans? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/broke.gif Just curious. On a more serious note, have any of you heard anything about these? As opposed to being mass-produced, Cold Steel says that they are made by hand. (I assume that this means assembled, and maybe fitted by hand).