Free: That's a really cool idea. I wonder why it hasn't been done yet. On a similar note, I've always wondered why they didn't make a glowstick that converted heat energy from a person's hand into light so that you could hold it in your hand and see how to walk by it. I know that such chemicals exist that can do this, so why hasn't someone taken the next logical step? Perhaps they don't think it would be bright enough for people to be interested, or maybe it just cost too much. Hmm… That brings something else to mind that you may not have heard of. Did you guys know that the American military has performed operations on some people to make them capable of seeing into the infrared spectrum? They got the idea because there are a very very tiny percent of the population that can naturally see in infrared. Wouldn't that be a trip to see the T.V. remote light up when you hit a button. Believe it or not there are a very few people in the world that can do this naturally. I remember reading a report on this a few years back and they asked one of the people that has this ability what the color infrared looked like and the guy said something to the effect of "how would you describe the color red to someone that has never seen it," meaning, of course, that such a thing couldn't possibly be described to someone that had never experienced it for themselves. I wish I could find a good URL on the subject.