New Goncz Hi-Tech flashlights and website


Feb 25, 2001
The Netherlands (NL)
Mr. Goncz appears to have a new website and a couple of new lights.

If you take a look at the M-10 Comet with 100W lamp, it claims 3000 lumens and 1 million CP with a 20 minute burntime. Hmm...

Btw, notice something about the bar that is on top after the main page?...


Just to put it into perspective. The Vector Banana (137CO) is 75W and 100,000 CP with 20 minute (approx) burn time.

The SRTH Turbo Head is 105 lumens and 15,000 CP so this means that the area covered by the Goncz spot is 1/2 the size of the SRTH spot, assuming no corona.

It also means that he's claiming 30 lumens/watt...almost 3x the Surefire results!

So...good luck!


anybody want to be a guinea pig and buy the light and tell us what the *real* output is?

isn't the beast supposed to be around 2000 lumens?

as with all goncz lights...i'm sure the quality and customer service will be top notch
hmmm, I'm glad there is still a Goncz flashlight company...

AFTER 4 TIMES MAIL. Of course also NO M3 as compensation, as promised. As said before, that there is something wrong with the light is not the biggest problem, but the lack of customer service to solve problems is frustrating.

I hope nobody minds that I pass this round being the guinea pig
Just went there and read through some of the text -- the striking resemblance of style and grammar has me quite certain I know who the author is. I guess I too would be grumpy and suffer "fools" none too gladly if I were inventor, manufacturer, financier, marketing department, and -- grammarian...
I see that they have an "M-3" that takes 3, 123a batteries. They also have an "M-2" that uses 2, 123a batteries.

Isn't there another flashlight company that has a "M3" model that uses 3, 123a batteries, and an "M2" that uses 2, 123a batteries?


The above comment is saying NOTHING about the quality, good or bad, of the Goncz lights. I have never seen the products, so I am not qualified to say anything, either good or bad, on them. This is a comment ONLY on them using a name of a very well known high end flashlight.
There is a company that has an M-3, M-4, M-5 & M-6 all of which use two 123A batteries.

Another company uses M6 which uses two 123A batteries, and has a line of rechargeable/Alkaline models using M7, M8, M9, M10 & M11.

Interestingly, one respected dealer mentions a SureFire M8 and has done so for as long as I can remember. I didn't realise this was public information. And few have ever questioned this.

Obviously, in my opinion
, SureFire's "Millennium Series" are the only rightful illumination tools to use the "M".
ITI tend to use "M-" which is what I use too.

Interesting times.

Looks like some great things to come as well! There is a duplicate thumb nail of a bright looking head lamp (not mentioned yet but surely in prototype stage since a photo exists). Even more interesting to me is a 180 lumen LED light in pre-production for the M2! Wow! Cool!

Perhaps folks at the SHOT show will get to preview these wonders!

- Don
I wonder if the company could be legally challenged on falsified lumen output ratings. It was pretty clear from earlier user tests that the light output from certain Goncz models was no where near the stated lumen output and some of these claimed prototype ratings seem equally highly embellished. Is a 180 lumen LED assembly that will fit on a small two or three CR123 celled lights possible?
Originally posted by Velcro:
Btw, notice something about the bar that is on top after the main page?...
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">The picture of the guy wielding the assault rifle is EXACTLY the same as the one found on the opening page of Surefire's own website!

VERY interesting....
Originally posted by geepondy:
I wonder if the company could be legally challenged on falsified lumen output ratings.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I'm not sure we should go there. While truth is an absolute defense in these things, I also think it would be difficult to prove with all the bogus CP ratings out there--even from respected manufacturers.

Remember, I measured something called a US at 15-16,000 CP and it's rating is 75,000 CP. And two 1MCP spotlights at 100,000 and 65,000.

Oh and a 180 lumen LED assembly -- 9 times brighter than the SureFire ones (roughly) -- sure, it could be done, I guess, but it would run for less than an hour I suspect of 2-3 123 cells.

Happy New Year!

Originally posted by BuddTX:
I see that they have an "M-3" that takes 3, 123a batteries. They also have an "M-2" that uses 2, 123a batteries.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Yes, but the Goncz M2 uses 2 volt lithium 123 batteries.
I wonder if those are built in-house along with the reflectors.
Wonder why aren't they using UCL lens? Their lens don't look like it has good light transmission? Plus the head looks really blocky....
I just checked the site and WOW is there some B*LLSH** stated there. Ok, the M5 is supposed to put out 300 or 600 lm depending on bulb. Well, pictures speak a thousand words: (The Goncz M-5 is on the left of every set.)

Give the guy a chance to get the right bulb in there. I'm sure I read that he didn't send the right bulb for those photos.
Geez! Why are you so hard of the guy?
What's he ever done to us?


Why don't we give someone [else] the chance to prove he's got his products sorted out?
One thing for sure is that his products are priced okay. $65 for a 3 cell 123 sounds okay... at least to me... if the output is anywhere near 1/2 of what's speced, I would be rather happy already....
Heh... I'm also inclined not to break out the torches and pitchforks just yet either. The guy definitely doesn't know how to interact on the internet, but I do want to see the more-refined light with better bulb, if one exists.

I am staying away from this web site and this discussion. I swear I don't think I can take much more of this crap (ie. BS)

I was soooooo glad when it died down last time.

What's that old saying? "Fool me once... shame on you. Fool me twice...shame on me."