New Goncz Hi-Tech flashlights and website

Never confuse wattage with lumens....
While the lamp may produce 3000 lumens, just how long does it last and how much is reflected.... THAT is the question... still it's believable that 30 lumens/watt efficiency is possible only IF the lamp life is like less than 10 hours... take any of W/A 25 lumens/watt lamp and over volt, tah dah, 30 lumens/watt....
Notice that the copyright date of the new Goncz website is 2003. As usual, they're way ahead of everyone else with everything except service and delivery.

I spoke to John this morning...

He tells me that he intends to replace all defective chargers. As they are not built by Goncz, he relies upon an outside source. He said that he has "approved" the new unit, and expects them shortly.

Everyone needs to keep in mind that Goncz has introduced 10 different models of lights in the last 6 months, and that it takes time to work out quirks. He indicated that all the reflectors are being done in-house.

John also said that has a handle on the bulb situation, and that they are better/brighter than ever.
MAybe I should be a bit clearer, never confuse wattage of incandescent lamps with how much light they put out....

BTW, James, 555 nm is blue?
Originally posted by Nerd:
BTW, James, 555 nm is blue?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">The chart I found with the conversion factor from lumens to watts specified it at 555nm. I don't know how the unit lumen is defined so I can't say any more about it.

I dug that up while trying to find out how efficient modern LEDs were at turning power into useful photons. There's still plenty of room for improvement.
Just imagine this... a 1 watt LS that gives out 500 lumens..... Is that in line with 683 lumens @ 555 nm = 1 watt?
683 lumens-per-watt at 555nm is the theoretical maximum luminous efficiacy of any artificial light source. It assumes 100% efficiency, ie all those watts going to photons of light.

It can, in theory, only be achieved with 555nm / green light. White is significantly less, I think it`s around 250....? Not entirely sure why, but I think it`s based around how the Lumen rating works. Lumens are somehow related the human eye`s sensitivity, and as we know, it is most sensitive to green light.

And like Absolute Zero (0 degrees on the Kelvin scale), it is unlikely it will ever be achieved. Nothing is 100% efficient, not in the physical world.

...Due to various previously reiterated statements, I'm keeping a careful eye on this thread. If it gets out-of-hand, I'll lock it down.

Nothing is 100% efficient, not in the physical world.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">It all depends on what your goals are. If it's supposed to be a flashlight and a portable heat-source than it's perfectly efficient.
You forced me back here one more time. I probably didn't make myself clear. I am simply staying away from this forum topic.
Have fun.
Despite the manufacturer's exaggeration's on the product's specifications, the bottom line is that we should be thankful another flashlight manufacturer has entered the foray. Reviewers have posted that the light is well constructed so perhaps if other deficiencies can be ironed out, the lights have potential to be possible alternatives for some of us.
I agree with Geepondy,
This forum is about flashlights, not about how they are presented.
I have been in contact with John Goncz for a while now, and I know he is better in designing than in talking... This however is no reason to gun the man and his products down .
Let's gain from his knowledge instead of rejecting it without further investigation.

Just my opinion.

Happy NewYear!
Well said Bart!

Mr Goncz answered my mail (finally). He told me that he shipped me a new head, the 'new design' charger will follow along with a 'GONCZ M3' (but when?). Although all takes a long ( too long) time now and responding mails take sometimes a long time untill answered (if at all)I' m sure he will keep his word and I will have ( finally) a fine flashlight.

In the mails he is always very friendly, the free M5 is a reasonable compensation for all the frustration I suffered from (if I get it), I hope

Don't forget that the flashlight I got (M5) is a very nice light (if it would work