New guy with a comment and question...

Pima Pants

Newly Enlightened
Oct 23, 2008
"Long time poster, first time reader". :crackup:

I've been lurking for awhile and thought I would make my first post. At least I think it's my first post in a couple of years of reading. Anyway, I just took delivery of a Fenix L0D today and this thing is freaking amazing for an AAA light. I REALLY like this little guy.

I have a Nitecore D10 that's also a great light but with a not-so-friendly UI (at least for me) as well as a Fenix P2D that I dropped on concrete from a height of about 3 feet and now it only works on "turbo" and "strobe" modes. Does anyone think the P2D problem is fixable by a non-technical guy like me?

Thanks for letting a guy who can't even solder join in...
Howdy Pima Pants, and welcome to CPF!
Sorry to hear about the P2D, it should definitely stand up to more abuse than that....... that's WHY we buy these lights.

It does sound like the problem is in the head switch, but being a very non-tech guy...... I wouldn't know where to tell you to look.

However, if you bought your light from one of the dealers you read about on CPF, chances are that they can help you with this....... shoot them an e-mail and see what they have to say.

In the mean time, I'm sure that somebody more knowledgeable will chime in with some helpful suggestions for you.
Thanks everyone. Busy place. My post was up less than 24 hours and got pushed to page 2!

I took the Fenix P2D apart this evening to check it out but didn't find any mechanical problems. Everything looks OK to my untrained eye. I'm the one who damaged it so I don't feel right sending it back to Fenix. At least it works on turbo and strobe mode.
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Have you tried loosening the head? That's how you gain access to the lower modes. From tight, just loosen it a half a turn.
to Pima Pants --

Welcome to CandlePowerForums !


As for yer' broken flashlight . . . .

Suggest you contact your selling dealer,
and ask if you can return it.

We have some GREAT dealers here on CPF.

The P2D is probably broken, maybe a small sliver of metal bridges the gap that separated the contact for normal mode and the contact for turbo mode.

If you are in the US, contact Fenix Store and they should be able to get you a replacement P2D.
