New here!! I have a set of brand new ITT night


Jan 14, 2005
Vision Goggles. They are M-953 or AN/PVS-15's or BNVS goggles. I purchased them a while back when I wanted the best at the time. I have had them stored and just took them out to play with??

Can any of you tell me what they are worth today?? Also are they still considered the top of the line?? Why so many different designations?? AN/PVS-15 or M-953 or BNVS??

What does it all mean?? Can someone tell me a little more about these and how the compare to other models that I see out on the market?? If I remember correctly these were very pricey at the time I purchased them.

thanks in advance to all who help me out??


Re: New here!! I have a set of brand new ITT nigh

Top of the line, no. Not sure what they're worth. Nowadays the high-end stuff is so-called Gen 4. Your unit is a very very good one, but not quite the best.
Re: New here!! I have a set of brand new ITT nigh

What exactly is top of the line anyway? These look like they are better than anything I have ever seen and I get to use ANVIS 9s from time to time. Are the monculars removable from the center section? How much did you have to give for them if you don't mind me asking? Also the fact that they are submersible is interesting. A set of ANVIS 9s will survive a VERY brief sumbersion in a very shallow depth of water, i.e. if you dropped them in a puddle it would not ruin them but you could NOT dive a set like these. The data sheet says they are ANVIS tubes so I bet they see as good as just about anything out there. I have yet to look through any "gen 4 film less stuff" but I can't imagine it can be that much better for the insane prices. Also the very short life of gen 4 stuff is enough to give me pause. If you wondering if these are still the cat's meow OH YES and then some. They are nicer than anything I have ever seen in the hands of private owner e.g. not a govermental agency.


P.S. wanna sell em?
Re: New here!! I have a set of brand new ITT nigh


I purchase them about a year or so ago. I paid close to 10 large for them. At the time they were supposedly the best. They are the same as ANVIS but have the battery pack built in and the tubes don't come off. They are supposed to be for the ground forces. I don't think I want to sell them yet but who knows???


Sound like they are still some of the best out there????
Re: New here!! I have a set of brand new ITT nigh

Re: New here!! I have a set of brand new ITT nigh

10 large? WTFO?
Re: New here!! I have a set of brand new ITT nigh

Well, a good grade A gen 3 tube is a couple grand by itself, and that unit has two. It also has a bionocular headmount assembly which costs a bit more.


Sound like they are still some of the best out there????

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, they are. Top of the line Gen 3 is still very, very good. The so-called "Gen 4" is only slightly better and has problems with longetivity.
Re: New here!! I have a set of brand new ITT nigh

Frangible said:
... The so-called "Gen 4" is only slightly better and has problems with longetivity.

[/ QUOTE ]

Can you elaborate more on this point?
Re: New here!! I have a set of brand new ITT nigh

Lost the link to the details, unfortunately. Was something I was reading about a year ago.
Re: New here!! I have a set of brand new ITT nigh

I'd say those are as good as it gets. I didn't even know they made twin tubes. From what my search and rescue buddies tell me, the Gen. 4 stuff is slightly better but not at the added cost over Gen. 3. The Gen. 4 doesn't produce any brighter image just greater resolution (smaller pixels per se). Mmmmm, twin tubes, nice. Very cool.

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