New laser use?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 12, 2005
Today while talking to a friend about lasers I was explaining to him how a green laser works and I had an idea pop into my head. I dont know if anyone has ever tried this or if its even possible so Im posting here. Well a green laser uses an Ir pump to make the green light and some of that Ir gets past the Ir filter, correct? What if you hook up a leadlight to a tv remote where the Ir diode plugs in, could you use that remote from miles away? So anyone ever try this or even think it would work?

If this works it could be alot of fun downtown /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Yoiu could theoretically hook an IR laser diode to a remote control with the proper driver circuitry and proper biasing. But then you'd have to watch tv with a telescope!
I believe the driver board would also have to be set up for blanking/pulse.
Well , I tried something like this. I took a remote that had no use anymore, removed the IR diode, and installed a RED LD assy from a cheapie pen and got this.


I have nothing to controll it with, but the kids like it.
WildRice said:
Well , I tried something like this. I took a remote that had no use anymore, removed the IR diode, and installed a RED LD assy from a cheapie pen and got this.

I have nothing to controll it with, but the kids like it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Haha, thats pretty awesome.
I'd like to know if that actually puts out a deep enough red to activate the IR sensor inside a TV. I'll have to try that with all of these zing-zings from Alvine. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif