New LED flashlight at Wal-mart



I don't have much experience with LED lights except the Photon Micro-lights. Today, just after I received a Pilot-3 and Trek-2 from Glow-plug, I saw a "new item" at Wal-mart.

It is a 2-cell AA light sold by Brinkman, about 5 inches long and 1 1/4 inches in diameter, with a reflector and lens for the white LED. The light is activated by a push-button on the tail end. It has a very narrow central beam, which projects surprisingly well, certainly compared to the other lights I just received. My initial impression is that the two 3-cell lights (apparently both made by Tektite?) have wide, diffused light good for walking, but this Brinkman will be good for finding things I drop behind and under furniture, or looking in the garage, etc.

It looks similar to the Pelikan prototype mentioned in an earlier thread. It only cost $11.56. The package describes it as "water and shock resistant" and claims "up to 20 times longer battery life" than standard 2AA flashlights.

I don't know much about it otherwise, but would be interested in hearing opinions from more informed users.

I saw that earlier and wondered how it was. Thanks for the info. Sounds like it's worth the money!
I saw it too. It is fashioned like their Nexstar flashlights. Thanks for the info, it looks interesting. How do you like it so far?

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb
OK. Impulse buy. I needed jeans, belt, etc. But couldn't help it and bought one. They pretty good. Better than I expected. It is a very useable beam. Blueish-white. Very light compared to what the bulk would suggest. It's plastic with a rubber grip.

I'll put some fresh batteries in my white photon and post some comparison photos tomorrow. But I can't control both f-stop and shutter speed in my camera.

I also got an Eveready 4AA flashlight that has a flourescent bulb on the back. Pretty neat. It's going in the car.

My wife's gonna kill me.

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb
I went back later in the afternoon and bought two more. That depleted the supply at my local store.

I dropped one by accident after I had inserted batteries, and it didn't show any damage. Except for the bulk in my hand, they feel comfortable, and the central beam projects better than any LED light I have so far (Photon, Trek, Pilot). It really doesn't help for walking outside, though, so I think of it as a "task light" myself and use those other three for general lighting.
Well We don't have them in our store, yet... I asked them if they were expecting any and got the blank stare and "a LE what flashlight?" So I will just have to wait and see if we get them. Was it by the camera part?

I found it in the flashlight display in the Sporting Goods section. They were hanging next to the mini-Maglites. The display hook had a "New Item" tag over it. Hope you can find it.
Hummm, looks interesting. It uses 2 AA cells and it is that fat? I take it the mini mag is a 2 AA version, (I am hoping it is a 2 AAA size, but doubt it).

It is a AA mini-maglite, not a AAA.

The batteries in the Brinkmann are side by side. The switch and lamp assemblies take up a good portion of the length.

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb
Somebody beat me to the Brinkmann light.

I saw it and had to look it over. Asked the clerk if it was a white LED or a colored LED. She KNEW NUH-THINK! Figured w/ two AAs, it was probably a yaller or red light, but -- who knows. So, busted for the $11.56 not expecting ANYTHING (but willing to take it apart and return it if it turned out dismally). Got to the car, had to CUT the pack open (dangerous at best, while driving). Clunky. Opened it, figured out the battery config, saw the seal and ASSuME that it is maybe water RESISTANT (haven't gotten the courage to dunk it yet) and hit the button.

Button is an "easy contact" and a stiff switch. "Positive feedback" is what they'd call it. Pain-in-the... sloppy switch is what I'd call it. I like the light. I am absolutely thrilled w/ it for several reasons, and disappointed w/ it for several others.

[*]Bright! It compares very well to my PAL Gold (although the battery in the PAL is NOT new -- as soon as I can find my 9v battery pack in one of the drawers, I'll test 'em against each other)
[*]Uses COMMONLY available batteries -- AA's a muy easy to come by, and can be found for about 42 cents each in bulk.
[*]Uses only TWO of those easy-to-come-by AA's. Somebody's been playing w/ the circuitry. Damn, MY design isn't done yet!
[*]APPEARS to be H2O proof, although it's probably H2O resistant. Sigh. Not that I scuba dive any more... ;-)
[*]PRICE! This is the CHEAPEST flash I have, aside from some DISPOSABLE photon-like knock-offs I bought.[/list]
[*]Switch placement... It's a pain in the... thumb. Awkward. I feel like a cop on a bad movie, reverse hold on my flash just under the gun. And, as stiff as the switch is (a good thing) it's hard to work w/ my thumb in that position... result? A two-handed flash?
[*] Switch type... nice solid CLICK, stiff enough, but... pack that in w/ a ton of other stuff and the "soft" setting for the button could bleed yer AAs down. "Silent Signal feature"... ha! What, with my THUMB?
[*]Size. A good inch is taken up with the switch, in it's lousy position. Another inch is taken up by the lens system and shroud, but I guess I can't complain about that. Largely round, when an oval cross-section might be in order to reduce size and affect tendency to roll off of any non-flat surface.
[*] Darn it, I can't take the bulb assembly apart any further w/out risking a busted flash... I may have to "sacrifice" one just to see how the light gets inside. [/list]

[*] Switch in the neck, built along side lens shroud.
[*] Oval or flattened cross-section... no more rolling. At least flatten the back end, so it can be held in the teeth when you need both hands free.
[*] A "slightly" focusable lens system. Doesn't need a large range, just enough to narrow the beam very slightly and to expand it very slightly from it's current beam width.
[*] Better lens/ reflector system... My son told me it looked like a target. I hadn't noticed until I shined it on a whole wall... There it was. "X-ring", 10-ring, 8-ring, etc. Alternating bands of light/ dark.[/list]

Notes and Observations:

I wrote to Tech Support at Brinkmann to ask them quex about their design and said I had some recommendations if it wouldn't insult them... I haven't heard back. ;-)

I pulled the switch off and bridged the contacts w/ a DC ammeter. I read a FLUCTUATING 90 - 100 mA ( 0.09 to 0.10 for you boys w/ the big ammeters). That's 285 mW from this stack of AAs. My recollection is that typical AAs are 2850 mAH, so, that computes to about 30 hours from 84 cents worth of batteries. ;-D

There's some form of voltage conversion going on, as the LED is much brighter than just the 3v glow one gets when they're under-biased. I have no idea about the bias (which is why I'm gonna have to sacrifice one) and I can't tell what the efficiency of the converter is... (I get obsessed easily). I can make guesses... minimum bias is about 30 mA at 3.6v or 108 mW, w/ a max guestimate at 4.0 v at 50 mA for 200 mW (although some I've seen are driven at 90 mA+)

The theoretical upper limit for AAs in this config would be 79 hours at minimum bais and 43 hours at the higher bias. (Obsession is a bad thing, right?).

Anyway, until I buy a second and it accidently cracks the lens assembly, then I'll just have to guess and figure.

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OK, this one I am blaming of David
At least to my wife but I went to Wal Mart and guess what they got in stock yesterday? So I had to get one to see how it preforms. But then I looked at that flourescent, the tube is tiny, so I had to get that one also.

So anyway, I am at work so I won't get to test the light and post any info to my site till later, but first impressions are:

It is huge, but I am impressed with the light output. It is to narrow of a beam for how I regularly use flashlights. Boy do I want to take it apart and remove the lens so it has a wider beam. I also found the light to be pulling just under 100ma, and would agree with Marcus that some sort of step up thing is going on here, more later.

The Arc White, fluorescent, is more impressive to me, it is small and brighter than any of the other fluorescent lights I have with the exception of the one that is using 8 D cells and a standard 13w U tube. This will make a GREAT area light and it doesn't use much power for the light it puts out. The flashlight part is OK, but I bet if I put a Carley lamp it there, or even a higher wattage halogen it will really kick some you know what. The fluorescent is pulling 330 ma and the lamp is pulling 550ma. This light with lithiums would be a really good car emergency light.

Brock, a Carley Lamp for a 4AA flashlight? I hope you're kidding.

Seriously try the halogen bulb from Princeton Tec for their Tec-40. Or Rayovac's Krypton bulb for 4AA lights. They won't be as bright as the Carley but will give you better battery life. I don't know what is in there now. It went right to the car trunk so I can't look at it right away.

The Brinkmann is bulky. But for some reason I like it.

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb
Yes, I was kidding about the Carley lamp in there, I bet it would melt the reflector and lens
Right now it has a KPR802 (4.5v .5amp) in it and it was pulling about .5 amp so maybe that is as bright as the reflector and lens will handle for heat reasons.

I'm disappointed... I picked up a second Brinkmann LED just in case something happened to the first one. I've been trying to bust the first one non-destructively, and can't. I may really have to bust it. Sigh.

If anyone's happens to come apart, please let us know, and even post pics if possible.
The more I think about it, $11.56 & tax isn't too much to spend for pieces and parts that I can use to try to craft a smaller LED flash...

Working with it more, I really hate the switch. It's almost painful for me to work it with my thumb, in the dagger hold.

Also, I have started looking at the quality of the light pool... I am noticing the more distinct blue halo the spot has. Hm...

Marc Visconte, Thing-buster extraordinaire...

If you know what's good for YOU, vote Libertarian.
Picked up one of these, thanks for the heads up!

Do agree that the switch is way stiff. naturally went to 2 hands to switch it on.

The beam as mentioned, is target-like...different.

Nice rubber grip, feels good in my hand.

Nice fun factor, worth it to me for sure.

Just stopped in and bought a couple Brinkmans
myself ,it is as big as 2D cells end to end .
The 'brite spot' is brighter than my LightWave 2000 , Pilot 3 , Pal Survival , and
is slightly brighter than my Trek 7 . Might
just be that the spot is so well defined that
it looks brighter .Something not yet mentioned that may explain the size .........
IT FLOATS , light-up ( I flushed the test site first ). My first post , be gentle .
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Carl McNair:
Just stopped in and bought a couple Brinkmans
myself ,it is as big as 2D cells end to end .

I'm hoping to non-destructively ... bust ... one of my Brinkmans, so I can see what's going on in it's pretty little head. W/out the batteries, it doesn't feel very heavy, which I was expecting, from a toroidal or ferrite rod inductor. My plans are to use just the head and lens assm, and find a much smaller case for the two AAs, w/ a switch at the head. I'm really just interested in the electronics, tho' -- I am just itching to see if it's what I think it is. Oh, and home-made will be shorter, too... by at least an inch. I wonder what would happen if I tried to shear the sides of the lens?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Something not yet mentioned that may explain the size .........
IT FLOATS , light-up ( I flushed the test site first ).

That's sick! I love it. I just wouldn't try to hold it in your mouth now. Seriously, that's an important factor for the stuff I do -- needing both of my hands free, I need a flash small enough to hold between my teeth (and light enough) as well as fit in my pocket.

Oh well, no time left to bust anything tonight.

If you know what's good for YOU, vote Libertarian.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KenB: everyone else I like it just enough to stop short of breaking it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I picked up a second with the intentions of sacrificing one... all for science and curiosity. Oh, and I couldn't resist opening the box/room and my cat is dead.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> I had hopes of removing the led and using it in my Photon with a 2032 battery, thinking I might get longer batt. life than the dual 2016s allow. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't think it would help. The 2016s work because they don't have the current capacity to burn out the LED, but they have enough capacity to push it for x hours. I think the same would happen w/ the 2032s. The reason the AAs are so great is their awesome (for the size/cost) current capacity: 2.85 AH (or 2850 mAH). At the 100 mA drain level, that's close to 30 hours. Even with that, the efficiency is not great -- the between the capacity and cost, you can't beat two AAs.
My initial calcs put the efficiency at a guestimate somewhat south of 70%, possibly as low as 25% (although unlikely) -- I can't tell where the LED is biased, so I can't get any closer than that rather wide range.
Theoretical maximum for two AAs would be about 80 hours (100% efficiency), with practical limits at 60-66 hours (75-85%) using off the shelf components.
I would like to try to build something similar to CMG's Infinity Tasklight but a full bias/ brightness using similar components, but the inductor calcs out to something 1.5-2" in diameter. Kind of shoots the whole "the size of an AA battery" in the groin.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I looked at there web site but did not even see this light. Well guess i will just have to wait for some unfortunate accident. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I didn't see any mention on the web site, and I haven't received an answer to the questions I sent to Brinkmann. Don't fear, SOMEone HAS been successful (just got an email from his w/ a jpg of the innerds). I expect to see a posting here fairly soon. From the view I got, all I see (recognize) are resistors and transistors. Discrete electronics. Icky and labor intensive, but then, it's made in China, where labor is the cheapest thing they have.

Marc Visconte
"Win a FREE Country! All you have to do is vote Libertarian!"

If you know what's good for YOU, vote Libertarian.
Here is the picture of the Brinkmann LED innards I got in the email:

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb