Newly Enlightened
Hello all, just joined today but been looking at this great site for a while now.I have always had a thing for torches ( uk for flashlights ) since i was small, trying to see if i could make em better but never sucseeded in making it any better :thumbsdow,i dont try to do stuff like that anymore have not got the time now days.I thought i knew a bit about torches till i got on the net some years ago and realised i new nowt about them :duh2: . Since looking at this site my mag lite collection is in the shed and now replaced with the likes of SF, Fenix,Maxa beam and heaps of other stuff , i guess that makes me a bit of a flashaholick now,my lighting devices are 100% better now but my wallet has took a severe beating this last couple of years, thanks lads :twothumbs, great site, John from the rainy UK .