market penetration is quite a point: available everywhere.
But still not a good light
its always nice to stomp ppl using this overpriced piece of crap (cost € 45,-- and € 55,-- here) into the light, expecially the ones who offensively critic any other light that is brought along (simply because they dont know).
as to "new led in MM":
even with them, the MMs will stay the length of ONE CELL too long (unnecessarily),
the new led will also overheat and output then has to be reduced, because the heat path will still be as bad
the light will still be single stage
will turn itself on when in pocket
... as now, with the 1st Led model
should build the whole light NEW:
circuit smaller and round and inserted like a disc, not parallel to the body,
better sink,
shorter end cap
PS: I really enjoy end switches. That two hand twisting action ... :Thinking: ... no more