New PALight w/a "super bright" electric blue LED


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 28, 2001
London, UK (Parallel Universe)
I just got an e-mail about these.
Apparently, they are the same as the standard PAL, i.e.
Mode 1 - 200 hours soft beam
Mode 2 - 40 hours brilliant Blue beam for flashlight use
Mode 3 - 200 hours of flashing strobe light
Mode 4 - 2 Years of permanent always-on glow

but these come in a blue casing -
with a blue LED !!

It may be that they are a limited edition or something. Sorry, I don't know the PAL site, anyone got it ?

Doesn't look like they've changed their website in awhile, though
traser are selling 50 to members...
but they're going at the GBP20 mark - about $32.00 + shipping.

Seen anywhere cheap that will GPM the standard PAL Survival light to the UK?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by soa:
traser are selling 50 to members...
but they're going at the GBP20 mark - about $32.00 + shipping.

Seen anywhere cheap that will GPM the standard PAL Survival light to the UK?

Vey infra dig to reply to one's own posts..., but I eventually sourced from Shopheres web page for $25 + $15 shipping and they were in the uk in 3 dyas. Great service, and I really like the lights.
Which site is this?

Different contact address than

"Special Note: The PALights have recently been improved. There is no longer a distinction between "Pal Classics" and "Pal Golds". The lights we stock all have Stainless Steel bands. However, they have the improved LENs and updated chip style LED (white). The colored LED models are still 5mm type."