New rules for Lithium’s transport in Airplanes.

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Jan 1, 2006
Wroclaw - Poland
Some time ago I was thinking "why they are banning something... when you can put some water into Li-Ion cell and you will get wonderful incendiary bomb :whistle:". A year later, somebody in the US thought the same way... :tinfoil:

The following quantity limits apply to both your spare and installed batteries. The limits are expressed in grams of "equivalent lithium content." 8 grams of equivalent lithium content is approximately 100 watt-hours. 25 grams is approximately 300 watt-hours:
  • Under the new rules, you can bring batteries with up to 8-gram equivalent lithium content. All lithium ion batteries in cell phones are below 8 gram equivalent lithium content. Nearly all laptop computers also are below this quantity threshold.
  • You can also bring up to two spare batteries with an aggregate equivalent lithium content of up to 25 grams, in addition to any batteries that fall below the 8-gram threshold. Examples of two types of lithium ion batteries with equivalent lithium content over 8 grams but below 25 are shown below.

So be aware CPF'ers, if you are going on vacation, don't take too many spare cells :devil:
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