New Sam's HID...doesn't charge


Jan 29, 2007
I just received my new power on board HID from the US (cost me $150=> $60 HID and $60 for shipping to Europe and $30 taxes :eek: ) I have bought it on Ebay.
The HID is super bright ; nice!

Now my problem: It refused to charge! I have tried the 120V AC plug (with 120V to 220V converter) and the car charging plug, result: nothing!!!
The charging led won't light up and the green full green led lights very, very dim although the battery is almost fully depleted.

Please help me: this is not how I imagined my first HID experience would be :mecry:
The easy solution is to get a charger and charge it outside the light.
Any charger that delivers a peak charge of 14.4 volts and floating charge of 13.8volts at around 500 milliamps.
Do not run the battery lower than 10 volts or you will kill it very quickly.
Many alarms use these battery's.
So start there to look for a charger.
I use a Battery Fighter Junior which does a great job.