New vs. Old Mag Reflector retaining ring


Newly Enlightened
Nov 9, 2004
Cambridge, MD
I was wondering if anyone noticed the difference between a new and old reflector retaining ring or head assembly. I have a 2C mag light that is modded with a 3W luxeon and fivemega MOP. I noticed that I have a thin outer ring just outside the hotspot. Upon further testing and verification I found it to the be retaining ring. This ring is produced on all of my modded lights that are new mags and if I change out the retaining ring on all of them the thin ring just outside the hotspot dissapears. Has this been observed before?
I can't grasp what you are saying.

The bezel is the thing that holds the lense and reflector in the head.

I don't have, have never seen (but desperately want!) a Fivemega MOP reflector, but I am almost sure it is held in the head the same way.

You can try to clear it up, or not... but I wish you would!
Hey PBJS -

I think what is being said is the retaining ring (what would hold the incan bulb in place) is a different thickness on the old vs new mags. This was one of the issues with the modded 1940 reflectors from the June GB...the reflector dropped over the retaining ring just fine on the old M@gs, but not the new ones. it is an easy fix though...

RE: this "extra" ring of light...
I'm curious to see if you get it with a stock reflector as well. or could it be light reflecting off the slightly wider/taller retaining ring? We're talking thouandths of an inch here.
There wouldn't even BE a bulb retaining ring in a 3W Modded M*g...

How could that be the case?

And yep. I have one Carley 1940 and had to dremel the ring in that light to go into the hole.

It don't matter anyhow.
You are correct PBJS, I was talking about the bezel; just could not think of that word when I was typing my post. I used my calipers to check the dimensions of the new vs. old bezel and they appear to be nearly identical, however, it looks like something is reflecting light back into the reflector and being re-emitted as a thin bright ring around the hotspot. Unscrew the new bezel and screw the old one on and it dissapears. I'll attempt to get a pic of the side by side beams. This happens on all the new style m*g's I have, new bezels produce the ring on every light while the old style bezel does not.