New Wicked Lasers Products

Well the forum there hasn't been answered for at least a month by Chris, there have been questions raised on the forum about late deliveries and no answers have been posted.

Personally, I wouldn't deal with wicked lasers again until there is at least some proof of some feedback.
They are fine. I just got one from Chris just a week ago and it took about two weeks to get but was well worth the wait.
gecko991 said:
They are fine. I just got one from Chris just a week ago and it took about two weeks to get but was well worth the wait.

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I have an EXTREME too and it's fine.

But still, abit of feedback would be comforting and I would be persuaded to spend abit on the Phoenix if there had been some posts by Chris on his webboard.

I might get one at a later date, I don't know. I'll just see how happy this PGL3 makes me first /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
If your getting a PGL-III I don't think you will want a Pheonix after it arrives though they are a good deal for the price. Thats a interesting amount of power for a small package but I think a good PGL3 would still rule the day.
Bond007 said:
But still, abit of feedback would be comforting and I would be persuaded to spend abit on the Phoenix if there had been some posts by Chris on his webboard.

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That could be my fault a bit /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif. I spend a fair bit of time there. (what can i say? i love lasers!)I i think i answer most peoples questions regarding chris' lasers (except the shipping ones....... i have no -idea) before he gets a chance to. And if the question has been answered correctly then i suppose he doesn't see the need to make a comment.
Are you the moderator there, DaFiend? Or do you mean you answer the technical laser questions?

I'm there quite abit too and I know you do well to help people with the technical stuff but you know what I mean, that Highland person recently for example who's laser hadn't been delivered for a month and he had two (maybe three) threads asking about it deleted.

Still, I don't want to moan on and on about it, it's not worth it. 70-80mw leadlight looks amazing :O
no, i'm not a moderator there. i just frequent there, and if i see a question that i can answer it, then i'll answer it. no diffrent to here . And no, i have no idea whats going on with all the thread deletion.
Yeah I was expecting something to show-up...

I think we all would like to know what the duty cycle is for these new models??? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Their website states your laser is free if they aren't the lowest price compared to their competitors....

I emailed them to see if they would honor their promise since I found one of their competitors had a cheaper leadlight green 5mW.

I'll keep you all informed what happens....
Our duty cycle for our models is about max on time 60 seconds with a 60 second cool down time. If 80mW is not enough for your applications, please PM to discuss your laser needs. Furthermore, we don't buy our products from Leadlight, Leadlight fully complies with FDA and ISO regulations stingently.
Are these lasers of your own design?
Or do you take former leadlights and make something new?
Or am I totaly off track?
We don't use any component of Leadlight or any component of any laser pointer you have seen. I will be submitting a laser to the LED for our 3rd review.
wickedlasers_com said:
I will be submitting a laser to the LED for our 3rd review.

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It's up to you Craig....I think I'll be buying one...hmmm better wait till pay day though /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/broke.gif PGL-III's.

I'll start my evaluation of it as soon as I receive it.
And I have the Extreme II right here (pets it) so I'll easily be able to do a side-by-side comparison of the two. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
The_LED_Museum said:
I'll start my evaluation of it as soon as I receive it.
And I have the Extreme II right here (pets it) so I'll easily be able to do a side-by-side comparison of the two. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kewlpics.gif Good work Craig. Chris actually has some info as a sticky on his forum relating to keeping your wicked laser healthy (duty cycle).

Also, i cant see how many stars it got! though i suspect 4 1/2.

Saving up for a phoenix as we speak. Shouldn't the warning label have some sort of identification as to who the manufacturer is?

Edit: spelling