Newbie in need of a little help


Newly Enlightened
Jan 24, 2008
The Empty Space In My Head
Hello to all... Newbie here,

I am wondering if anyone could please tell me the difference (if any) between (halogen): H3 and H3C

I have been searching the Wide Web over and over and this site seems to be the most extensive and useful place in cyberspace..

If someone could help a sister out, I'd be most obliged!


P.S Also, when one sees H1, H2, H3 etc., how can you determine whether it is Halogen or HID?
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Hello and welcome to CPF. :)

I'm not sure about the H3 vs H3C, but here are a few differences between a halogen and HID capsule. HID capules are typically longer and thin compared to the short and fat halogens. Also HID bulbs have no filament, just a little gap between the electrodes in a glass bubble.

Hello to all... Newbie here,

I am wondering if anyone could please tell me the difference (if any) between (halogen): H3 and H3C

I have been searching the Wide Web over and over and this site seems to be the most extensive and useful place in cyberspace..

If someone could help a sister out, I'd be most obliged!


P.S Also, when one sees H1, H2, H3 etc., how can you determine whether it is Halogen or HID?
Hello and welcome to CPF. You're correct that this is a great place for info.
You posted in the headlamp forum and it's for lamps you put on your head. :tinfoil: It may be that you want to post in the Spotlight or Transportation Lighting (Sub-Forum) Automotive section.
Anyway, great to have you here.
I appreciate both responses, and welcomes!

As far as posting in the wrong section... DOH! :ohgeez: this just shows :stupid: (I didn't think of Headlamp in the literal term "Head"lamp... I did get a good answer so I don't think I will clone my question but I definitely will remember it for the next time :thumbsup:)


As far as posting in the wrong section

Don't even worry about it. What with all the different fora on this site, I get mixed up. When I first joined, there were only 641 members and all the posts for the whole day could be read in an hour.

"When I first joined, there were only 641 members and all the posts for the whole day could be read in an hour."

It sure would have been interesting to be a part of the pioneers who helped to make this forum into what it is today...(even if it was created only a few years ago :grin2:) I'm just glad that you all did create this place... this is a gold mine of info!
h3 on the left h3c on the right. same bulb, different base.

all h1 h3 h whatever are halogen. i suspect that is what the H is for ;) any "real" hid will have a D prefix. d2s d1s, d4r or what have you. im sure there are exceptions to every rule.

as for the c, eh you got me there! im going to say connector! lol it could be anything. from the metal flange up its all h3 from the flange down its different. the h3 grounds though the flange and get positive through the wire. the h3c is isolated, so maybe you can use it in something that has a body that isnt connected to ground?

i really have no idea. :thinking:
well that really helps me! :twothumbs

Sometimes I have Bulb specifications but no picture :awman: so I'm left to try and figure certain things out for myself... This should remove some of that uncertainty now.

I appreciate all the help so far

you must be in the hid raquet like me then ;)

google-images. all your questions will be answered there.

with pictures!

{im pretty sure i never learned to read}