Nice holster....


Mammoth Killer
Nov 13, 2003
Birmingham Al.
I just found a pretty interesting holster at CountyComm and it seems to be a universal fit and will also fit on a standard duty belt. I am in need of a new duty holster shortly and am curious if anyone has any experience with this specific holster or maybe something below.
A Note From The Legal Depatment: While we consider this very unique holster to be a "Universal", we are sure a "Flashaholic" (A person who is addicted to Flashlights) will find some sort of flashlight that it will not fit.

hehe they love us there at countycomm. it is a great place. my Microfire Warrior II wont fit!!! :laughing:
I recently bought one of these... it is in fact the nite ize stretch. What flashlight do you plan on using for this? I bought it to use with my cree L1. It works pretty well... only problem is that you have to intentionally "push" the light it in force it to stretch out and fit. Not as nice as having a custom fitted holster for your light but... is pretty nice overall.
My plan is to use it for my Wolf-Eyes Raider duty light however I sometimes swap between several lights and it is nice to have a holster that always fits.
It should fit the Raider pretty well. The tail portion may require a lil umph to push in, but the fit will be nice!
I got this for only $6.50 Can at a store (for you Canadians), but have yet to decide whether to keep it and undo it from the package as I was thinking of using it with my SL TL-3, Raidfire Spear or the JetBeam Jet III that I have been waiting for. The Raidfire Spear may be the trickiest to put in due to the tail cap shape.