nice Surefire holders


I have both of these pouches. They are very well made. The fit is excellent. They are adjustable enough that you can add a click switch to the light and it will still fit in the pouch.
I have one I got for the M2. It's a stretch to gt the M2 to fit. I currently have a G2 in it. It I were going to get one for the M2, I'l pay the extra $5 & get the one for the M3 to use. TX

Let me qualify this statement. I didn't buy mine direct from these people. Mine was from an indivuidal. So maybe, either it wasn't built for the M2, or these people shipped the wrong on to the person that bought it from. The M2 doesn't come close to fitting the body of the holster I have. So maybe the right one may fit fine.
WE make pouches for most of the Surefire product line. We also make a large portion of the gear that there instructors use.

We do have an M2 pouch that will fit the M2 with or with out a flip up cover. You might have a very old one that fit the old m-2 when they where the size of a 6p. It is also possible that the cover you have was not ment for an M2. Either way if you contact us we can probably modify what you have to work better for you.

John Willis
(760) 722-0004
I wasn't aware the M2 was ever the size of the 6P. That would explain it, as the 6P & G2 fit fine. On the M2, the plastic clip on the top flap barely clears the edge of the bezel, so even though you can get it cliped, it's a tight stretch accross the top of the light. The top strap is about 3/4-1" short. Sure never heard of a "short" M2. TX
I just ordered a C2 bezel for my M2 as I don't need the shock isolation and wanted to reduce the size of the light. I was told by the SF tech support that the C2 bezel is like the original M2 bezel from a few years ago.

- Don
Cool Don. I should order a C2, and get your M2 bezel from you!

I have one of the older style M2 lights. The bezel is about, if not the same size as the 6P.

I was going to by a new style M2 bezel for it, but instead I bought a KT1-HA and a new style M2.

Then I saw a tailcap that Al Windler had on a one of the combat lights. It was love a first sight so I ordered one for the KT1-HA equipped M2. SW-01 was the tailcap.

When you get it all togather, it looks like some kind of weapon of mass destruction!

Puts out some good light too. But. It won't fit in the SOE pouch for the newer M2.

Looks like I should contact SOE for one of there modifications.

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