D Doug S Flashlight Enthusiast Joined Jun 20, 2002 Messages 2,712 Location Chickamauga Georgia Sep 30, 2002 #1 What is the correct pronunciation of "Nichia"?
M Max Enlightened Joined Dec 31, 2001 Messages 258 Location Teaneck, NJ Sep 30, 2002 #2 I'm not certain how it's correctly pronounced, but I'll volunteer that my favorite way to mispronounce it is "NEEKH-yah" .
I'm not certain how it's correctly pronounced, but I'll volunteer that my favorite way to mispronounce it is "NEEKH-yah" .
Orion Flashlight Enthusiast Joined Jun 27, 2002 Messages 1,751 Location Missouri Sep 30, 2002 #3 "N eye chi uh"
R r2 Enlightened Joined Feb 3, 2002 Messages 343 Location Cambridge, England Sep 30, 2002 #4 It's a Japanese company, right? If so then it is pretty phonetic: ni chi a "i" is pronounced ee as in "knee" and "a" is pronounced ah as in "auto": nee chee ah I'm not sure if the accent is on ni or chi. - Russ
It's a Japanese company, right? If so then it is pretty phonetic: ni chi a "i" is pronounced ee as in "knee" and "a" is pronounced ah as in "auto": nee chee ah I'm not sure if the accent is on ni or chi. - Russ
G Graham Flashlight Enthusiast Joined Nov 11, 2001 Messages 1,346 Location Tokyo (again..) Sep 30, 2002 #5 Based on the kanji which is used, the reading is nichi a pronounced something like nitchy uh There should be no emphasis or accent on any of the syllables. Graham
Based on the kanji which is used, the reading is nichi a pronounced something like nitchy uh There should be no emphasis or accent on any of the syllables. Graham
E EMPOWERTORCH Enlightened Joined May 1, 2002 Messages 743 Location Coalville, Leicestershire, England Oct 1, 2002 #6 I'v always said it "nee she-er" and it gets me served at Maplin!
Rothrandir Flashaholic Joined Aug 17, 2002 Messages 7,795 Location US Oct 1, 2002 #7 wow, i always assumed that it was Nick-E-Uh...