NIGHT PEARL LED Bulbs distributor


Nov 26, 2001
a place surrounded by Europe
As you all know up to now it was almost impossible to get the Night Pearl Led Bulbs. This will now hopefully change because I got this mail from Horace Lee:

Hi, Rene,
NPLB is available in U.S.
You may contact them for sales events.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards

Sino Union Technology Ltd

The US distributor is:

Sinotone International Limited
90 South Spruce Ave. Suite E
South San Francisco, Ca 94080
Tel: (650) 583-8306 Fax: (650) 583-8326
Contact: Mr. Zeng John
Email Address: [email protected]

This is all I know!
I got the email from Horace Lee also, and I have sent an email asking for sales information tor [email protected]

I will let you all know what the results are when I geet their answers back.

I have purchased 2 of the bulbs from techass and they work very good (some flashlights/torches refelectors are better than others).
I called The US supplier, and they do not have any of the LED bulbs of Starlite torches yet, they are waiting for a shipment. I asked then to fax or email a price listing, and when I get it I will post the information here.
I just received my Starlite 128R torch. It has a very good beam for a single 5 MM led.

The bulb is a little different than the ones I got from Techass, the dome on the LED is a little different as well as the shape of the contacts within the epoxy, but the light output and PR-2 case seam to be the same.

Question, would I buy another, Yes I would, an I did order 4 more units. Thay will make good gifts for my grandkids to play with.

The torch body is made of what looks like brittle translucent plastic, but what can you ask for what amounts to $1.00 more than the bulb by it self.

I tried putting the bulb in several other flashlights, and the best results are ones that have deep refelectors.

Sinotone is selling them for $7.95 for the Starlite 128R and for the NPLB-128R for 6.75 in quantities 1-99 plus shipping.

I ordered from Sinotone International Limited and had my order in 4 days.

90 South Spruce Ave. Suite E.
South San Francisco, CA 94080

May Tu took my order.