Nitecores with R2


Jul 20, 2008
Upper Canada
I noticed on 4 7's site that most of the nitecores will soon be shipping with R2. Does this mean R2 will soon be the standard for Cree lights ?

The R2 is just a little bit more efficient if driven at certain current. There is no huge difference in brightness, I think these R2 versions are somehow like the GDP versions they launched few months ago, some were cheaply built, resulting in defective lights.

I would stick to Q5 as they are more reliable, or at least wait for reviews before ordering R2 versions.
Thanks for the answer. I just bought a couple of new lights with Q5 and was wondering if I was behind the curve.
If I understand correctly, Nitecore is replacing the Q5 with the R2. No more Q5's will be made.

4sevens is using the opportunity of the newer emitter to raise the price a little. No complaint, they fully have the right to do so. This adds some confusion, an increase in price is usually attributed to a special/limited version while a lower priced one continues to be sold.
Thanks for the answer. I just bought a couple of new lights with Q5 and was wondering if I was behind the curve.

No, the Q5 bin is not behind the curve. The R2 bin (not a new model of LED) is just the next slightly higher flux bin.
Like the others stated, you're not behind the curve at all. In fact, some people still prefer the Q5 in many regards.
Well i was planning on getting another D10, i might have to check this one out.

Oh yea, if your getting one anyway go with the R2. I have the D10 GDP...not as bright as the Q5 per my reading. If I were to give my D10 away for a present...I would buy the R2 version with out a doubt.
I'm not so sure about the whole R2 upgrade... I've been considering getting a new D10 to replace the one I've lost but I don't want to pay a premium for the R2. Why? In part because the difference is not supposed to be that big, but mainly because I've discovered how nice neutral white LEDs are and would most likely swap to one of those anyway.
Well since this is tax return season and my wife and i already have done our taxes i might just settle on a newer version, i was planning on getting another anyway.
Hey guys, about the r2 versions, I believe they have the same circuits as the d20's, which means that there is no longer the issue with the ramping up and down. Just keep that in mind, might be worth it if you can't decide between the r2 and q5 versions.
I placed an order for a D10 (Q5) on 4sevens and it is back-order. Do you think it will be back in stock ? I can't see the Q5 version on 4sevens (except for the combo with the charger and the specials textured ones).
I know the R2 version will be better in some aspects but I'm afraid it will be brighter (did I really said that ?) than the Q5 one. I was looking for a light with a pretty good low low with something less than 1 lumen.
It seems like a marginal upgrade as output will probably not be noticed by your eye. And since the bin is going to be R2 WG there's no tint advantage there either. Now if they had used a R2 WD instead I would have been first in line because that is a great tint. just my two cents.
Personally, I am just happy to know that if I ever have a problem requiring replacement of my EX10, the light I get in return will likely be a better one than what I started with. Here's a hearty huzzah for incremental improvements!
Hmm.. ok it seems that i can only get a preorder nitecore r2 at the moment, so why there is no q5 models in clearance sales in 4sevens?

that would be nice.

hmm.. d10 q5 with 28% off (cpf 8%+ 20% discount for older model)
-YeS PLeaSe!

i have had a decent reason not to buy a nitecore yet, as i am hopin they will put those warm tint emitters to them.

r2 is a step ahead but i too wish they would of gotten "warmer" bin led.
I too have a D10 Q5 on backorder through 4sevens. I wonder if they will just ship an R2 to us, or maybe they are getting more Q5 models in?
Same situation as Spyro and snaptiep,
my D10 Q5 is supposed to be on back-order, but no longer available on 4sevens, so I'm wondering what happens next.
I received an email from the Fenix Store and my D10 (Q5) was shipped today !
The Golden Dragon LED offers a much more pleasant/useful beam... the R2 gives an almost insignificant gain in efficiency/brightness (compared to a Q5) anyways.