Niterider HID Storm


Newly Enlightened
Dec 28, 2001
Seattle, USA
Has anyone seen this light in action?

Nitrider claims to have made an HID light that can take some abuse, unlike the UK Light Cannon. Could it really be?

Also, has anyone seen any other compeeting version of this light from various manufacturers?

The Storn uses a reflectorized Solarc Lamp from Welch allyn. It is seated under pressure in the socket. The UK LC100 uses a Single ended version of the sale lamp and it friction fits in the socket. A severe drop of the UK light can disclodge the lamp and break the bulb. A very severe shock (drop onto concrete) to the Storm could also break the bulb. The normal shocks of mountain bike riding can easily be handled by the Storm.
The stadium is a very good light. Probably the best.

I've heard complaints about the Storm. The Microbute charger abuses the battery bigtime. I don't think this light can take a beating, considering a handlebar mounting bracket is NOT included. BTW...I've also heard that the heavy weight makes the helmet tip down in front covering your eyes! OOPS!
thanks for the input...Niterider does make a handlebar mount system, but they gave it a different name. Looks like they have 3 different names for what is essentially the same thing.