No..... I bought *ANOTHER* torch!



I couldn't resist it. I actually bought two today, interestingly enough two Energizers. Soon I think I'll end up owning their whole range of products.

Folding LED Lantern
I didn't think they were available in the country but when I saw it I knew I had no willpower to resist. As they say resistance if futile.

Anyway this little bugger actually seems pretty well made. Everything seems sturdy enough, maybe except for the switch which does seem a little sub-standard.

Unfortunately unlike its bigger fluroscent brother, the 4D Trekker, the LED lantern doesn't have the base protruding below the folding section. So when closed, the battery compartment and the folding section aren't level. It'll stand when closed but could be a lot more stable if either the lighted section was level with the battery compartment OR a base was put below the folding section.

The most amazing thing about this is the very nice diffused light it puts out. I own only two other LED lights and both have a rather annoying pattern such as rings and bright/dim spots. This lantern has none!

Whats even better is that its a lot brighter than I expected. I wasn't expecting much after reading telephony's review but I was pleasently surprised.

Also the light isn't anywhere as blue as my other LED torches. It reminds me of a normal fluorescent light, white without blue. I don't know whether this is due to the diffusing lens or the LEDs itself.

What could be improved?
1) Well the base could be extended under the folding lens.

2) The three way switch should really be 0-1-2, not 1-0-2. Instead of trying to turn off the unit, you end up switching it to the other brightness setting.

3) Make both sides of the folding section translucent. For some reason one panel is translucent while the other is about 70% opaque. This seems like a waste of light, especially when the lens is folded up. The larger fluorescent version using a transparent casing on all 4 sides.

This unit is a good reading light, very nice diffused light with a VERY long life battery life (100 hours). It could work well as tent light or even just to rummage around the house at night.

8AA Double Barrel
I was at the hardware store looking at hand tools. Of course I had to poke my head at the torch section just for a minute and I found it! I wouldn't have bought it (since I don't need it) but they were getting rid of them at less than half price (US$12).

So when I got it home and loaded it up with 8 fresh AA batteries, the torch threw out an amazingly bright beam. I've tried out the PT Surge a couple of days ago but didn't buy it because it was amazingly expensive here (US$42). So since I don't have both to make a side by side comparison, don't quote me on this, but it seems like the 8xAA DB is actually brighter!

Its almost (say 90%) as bright as the Dolphin Lantern which according to the bulb spec uses 37% more power. The light is also noticeably whiter in appearance compared to other incandescents that I've seen.

Unfortunately the lens is not completely faceted, so the flood setting isn't awfully smooth. Its amazingly hard to explain but just imagine the faceted lens pattern being projected on the wall.

The centre hotspot setting has a very even spill light and the focusing lens allow the hotspot to be adjusted from a very tight beam to a slightly larger spot before the bizzare flood pattern sets in.

Well if you want a very bright torch (should be much brighter than most 2x CR123 torches) that uses cheap AA batteries, this isn't such a bad choice for its price range. It big and tough so I suppose its more secure than carrying a small Scorpion or M2.
I've got the LED lantern. You were thinking the exact same thing as me on #3! I think they could make both sides translucent, but in fact, it may actually make reflections off of the wall if they made it translucent and it could make the frontal beam look unsmooth.... I think they should improve on the hanger thing. They should use a much more secure hook device. Maybe they could use a spring-loaded clip kinda that I think about it, make the lantern Regulated (HAHAHAHA like that'll come true!!)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>You were thinking the exact same thing as me on #3!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>As the saying goes... great minds think alike

About the translucent panel, I'm not sure whether the beam would be uneven because the whole tube is glowing. I don't think the larger fluorescent versions would have this problem.

Regulated... meaning slightly longer burn time. We can't have that can we! It is a battery company that's selling these torches.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>As far as I know the 8AA Double Barrel is discontinued and valued for modifications.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Why the 8AA? I would think the 6AA would be a much better choice. Its the right voltage and has just as much space in the bezel as the 8AA version.
Slightly longer, probably actually lower burntime because there would be none of the sagging off in brightness B.S., it would be high brightness most of the way then it would sink rapidly. Instead of having a low brightness and low power consumption bc of the resistors during the sagging time, it would be consuming more power to make the voltage step. so i think it would be less burntime but better quality of light.
Actually the 8 aa is better for some mods.
A Surefire 6v lamp assembly goes in with just a few changes and gives a great beam for over 2 full hours on NiMH batteries and for over 3 hours on a set of alkalines. When I have the time I will try to put in a 120 lumen P61 but I think it might melt.

For LEDs, the 6aa is probably better.

Yes thats right but I was thinking more of the people who change the battery at the first sign of dimming. It much worst with incandescents but it still applies.

Its a shame that they've discontinued the 6AA and 8AA in America. It looks like the same is happening here with a couple of stores reducing prices on both models to get rid of them.