NOA 61 UV Cured "darkroom safelight?"


Newly Enlightened
Oct 7, 2008
SW Maine
I may be dating myself, but who else can remember those RED incan SAFE-LIGHT bulbs used in our HS darkrooms for old school B&W photography? Is there a way one can construct a "darkroom" for POTTING or adhering trits w/ UV-cured NOA61 and similar, without fear of prematurely curing the adhesive before one could get to a UV light source, in my case, good ol' sunlight? To get to the point, what nm wavelength or color TEMP bulb would not induce curing in NOA61 like a red bulb in a dark room of old? :shrug:
Good question I am wondering the same thing.

I don't have red filters but I was wondering maybe doing the mod at night in my garage using only the light of a fenix l2d or a small led headlamp. I just don't want the light source to cure the stuff. A reply from someone whose used this stuff before would be extremely helpful.
I just work in a shady spot on my desk next to my sunny window sill where I cure the stuff. If you want to be really safe, go a room with no windows (bathroom, closet, etc.) and just use room lights.
I just work in a shady spot on my desk next to my sunny window sill where I cure the stuff. If you want to be really safe, go a room with no windows (bathroom, closet, etc.) and just use room lights.

Ok, so as I THOUGHT, the stuff is not super sensitive. I was thinking about waiting till dark to use it, but now thinking it over the stuff will sit there all night without curing. Sounds like it should be no problem working with the stuff.
I am not sure where the cutoff is but I would think anything over 400 nm would be safe. Just make sure you stay away from tanning beds and direct sunlight and it will not cure. Most glass and plastics will block the UV wavelengths as well, so when you are ready to cure it make sure you are in direct sunlight.
I use it under T8 fluorescents in my garage with no ill effect. I put the material in a clear plastic syringe that may be out for an hour or more under the T8's and no problems.
:wave:Thank you everybody that replied!! :D I recently set a trit in a clear plastic protective case for a ________ (more details later). It was just thick enough for me to "mill" (rather haphazardly) a slot into it with a dremel tool to fit one of B@rt's 2x8mm trits and, fortunately, the NOA61 hid all my mistakes, well, almost all of them :whistle:. I used a camping fluorescent lamp as a work light, then brought the "item" outside to cure. Within 15 minutes, the NOA61 was hard as a rock. I very pleased with it!! I can find it at night with no problems now. I'll attempt a few more "slots" in "it" and will photograph my trials. On a side note, can anyone recomend, or NOT recomend, NOA61 as a rearview-mirror adhesive for my windshield? A product sold as a glass adhesive at an auto parts store didn't stick,(lasted less then a month), and I had to re-glue my mirror to the windshield a second time. Would the UV coating on windshield prevent a good cure? Is NOA61 more for "setting" or "potting" rather than a "load-bearing" adhesive?

Thanks again for great forum!! lovecpf
