Non-Slip P1D-CE


Newly Enlightened
Apr 28, 2006
West Texas
It may look a little strange, but it stays in your hand under any and all conditions :)


I did this also using a 3M Non-Slip/Texture adhesive backed tape, in case you cant find a skate board shop. $.70 per foot at the hardware store. At first I thought the tape looked too coarse but was pleased to find it just right once applied. I didnt go as far as Stonehenge69, but few people do. -meant as a compliment. Nice Photo!

I wear mine on a whistle type lanyard around my neck and find it comes in handy often. More than I thought. I keep it tucked in my shirt pocket so it doesnt flop around while I walk, its hard to drop from its perch and the tape makes it easy to one hand.
Turbo_E said:
is that an M16?
It's a M4 (AR 15).

THE_dAY said:
does the tape stay on pretty good?
I used a 150 grit wet/dry sandpaper that has a very aggressive adhesive backing. It came with the "Scary Sharp" knife sharpening system from Hand American Made.
Once in place, it stays put. I've put it through its paces and I'm very happy with how it holds up.
