Flashlight Enthusiast
Now it\'s time for some throw!
My quest for a flashlight quickly led me to a L4, I am more than happy with it, but it doesn't reach out too far and I need a secondary.
I like the L6, mostly because it is a LED, but I am open to options. I also like the turbohead but I dont understnd it all that much yet. I have no "need" for this light other than to fill a gap in my small collection, but I use them daily.
So, I need the opinions of my friends here to guide me.. Will the L6 give adequite throw with the option to add a turbohead, or should I get a M3 or M4 then eventually get a L6 head.. I am so confused...
I just want a semi small light that will fill the gap between my L4 and my $20 500,000 cp spotlight. (I have a G2, it's on the right track)
So, help me spend some money..
My quest for a flashlight quickly led me to a L4, I am more than happy with it, but it doesn't reach out too far and I need a secondary.
I like the L6, mostly because it is a LED, but I am open to options. I also like the turbohead but I dont understnd it all that much yet. I have no "need" for this light other than to fill a gap in my small collection, but I use them daily.
So, I need the opinions of my friends here to guide me.. Will the L6 give adequite throw with the option to add a turbohead, or should I get a M3 or M4 then eventually get a L6 head.. I am so confused...
I just want a semi small light that will fill the gap between my L4 and my $20 500,000 cp spotlight. (I have a G2, it's on the right track)
So, help me spend some money..