Now it's time for some throw!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 4, 2005
Now it\'s time for some throw!

My quest for a flashlight quickly led me to a L4, I am more than happy with it, but it doesn't reach out too far and I need a secondary.
I like the L6, mostly because it is a LED, but I am open to options. I also like the turbohead but I dont understnd it all that much yet. I have no "need" for this light other than to fill a gap in my small collection, but I use them daily.
So, I need the opinions of my friends here to guide me.. Will the L6 give adequite throw with the option to add a turbohead, or should I get a M3 or M4 then eventually get a L6 head.. I am so confused...
I just want a semi small light that will fill the gap between my L4 and my $20 500,000 cp spotlight. (I have a G2, it's on the right track)
So, help me spend some money..
Re: Now it\'s time for some throw!

If you are wanting some serious throw, you will probably have to go incadescent. Since there are a lot of people here with more experience with various incad flashlights, I will let them chime in.

All my throw monsters are mods so I cant say.
Re: Now it\'s time for some throw!

Max throw? The Maxabeam at around $3000!
Re: Now it\'s time for some throw!

I don't now about the L6, but the Streamlight TL-3 seems to be a favorite around here in the affordable throw department.
Re: Now it\'s time for some throw!

Off the shelf, I'd recommend the LPS SRTH (Lagger-Pro Systems short rimmed turbo head) on a C-series surefire body. That's my fave, especially if you modify it with a Luxeon.

The M3T runs a close second.

A more cost-effective alternative is a modified M*g using a LuxeonIII.
Re: Now it\'s time for some throw!

How about getting yourself a P61 bulb for your G2?
Re: Now it\'s time for some throw!

The TL-3 is indeed a very good choice for the price. I'm quite happy with mine.
Re: Now it\'s time for some throw!

I've never used one myself but after reading countless pages and threads on which of the smaller LED lights have the best throw, it seems like the Aleph 3 with a Lux III is the king.
Re: Now it\'s time for some throw!

Excellent choices, I am looking into each one right now..
I should have mentioned that I seem to be partial to the Surefires, I don't know why... I just like them..
(*edited for spelling)
Re: Now it\'s time for some throw!

SilverFox said:
Hello Pydpiper,

The Aleph 3 with a Lux III has pretty good throw...


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I understand these are excellent lights, but with my dial-up account I find those long threads very difficult to follow.. I can never single out a single light to investigate it..
Re: Now it\'s time for some throw!

For what it's worth, I have an L6 and like it a lot. I don't have the turbo head for it yet, though. It throws quite well, although it does have some useful spill. I use it when I'm hiking at night a lot.
Re: Now it\'s time for some throw!

Roy said:
Max throw? The Maxabeam at around $3000!

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You can get a brand new Maxabeam for $1680-$2000 for a bisic kit. On ebay you can get them for A LOT cheaper. Andreas got one off ebay for $750.
Re: Now it\'s time for some throw!

A Maxabeam is a bit overkill, I am looking for something that can be carried on my body for the times I may need it..
A couple(few) hundred lumen in a throwing light..
Im still working my way up to a Maxabeam..
Re: Now it\'s time for some throw!

Get the parts and build a Mag85. It's got 200-300 yard throw, it's not that expensive to build/use, and it is bright as H***!!!
Re: Now it\'s time for some throw!

The SL US has the same throw as the Tigerlight. The TL has a broader beam. I have both and they do throw well.
Re: Now it\'s time for some throw!

what about a pelican M6 it has 74 lumens and has decent throw. If you like that light I may suggest you get the PM6 led light and buy a incan bulb at the same time. this way you get two lights for the price of one.

does a 2C mag mod with 3 cr123a's and a kpr112 bulb do it for ya. 200-300 lumens excellent throw and a 2c mag can be bought for $12.50 can from radio shack online (that is of course if they still have any on line. I havn't checked in a while)
Re: Now it\'s time for some throw!

Rogue_monkey said:

does a 2C mag mod with 3 cr123a's and a kpr112 bulb do it for ya. 200-300 lumens excellent throw and a 2c mag can be bought for $12.50 can from radio shack online (that is of course if they still have any on line. I havn't checked in a while)

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I was hoping to avoid "mods" for this light anyways, I'm leaning towards a warranty and dependability.. Thanks, I still may try this though.