Nuwai ALX-233C questions


Newly Enlightened
Sep 10, 2004
I read a little bit about this light from here:
forum link
... and it sounds intriguing. I'm wondering if anyone has seen a formal review (or wishes to give one), and if anyone knows where they can be purchased.

Hmmm, well I tried to add the URL using the interface, it looks good in the preview, then becomes that useless stuff above when I submit it. *shrug*

Here's a summary quote from that thread from "fieldops":
Just got the ALX-233C. Nice Light! Operation is smooth like the 352. Nice bright 3W. I will give it a runtime test over the weekend. Many thanks to AdvancedMart for the heads up and good fast service! Much appreciated. I wish this light was generally available. I think folks would like it. I'd love to have another, but am very thankful to get one at all. Thanks again Advancedmart!