Official USL List (Pt. 3)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 26, 2004
Welcome to the official list (Part 3) for the Ultimate Stealth Light by bwaites!

THE LIST IS NOW CLOSED! Thanks to everyone who signed up.

Payments are now being accepted in USL Payment Info (Pt. 1)!


Due to some unexpected issues with determining shipping costs, we need complete shipping addresses for everyone ASAP. Please send them by Private Message to "Codeman". Also, please be sure that it is formatted correctly. Since I'm not familiar with what goes where for non-U.S. addresses, I'll have to rely on you for that.

The list will indicate when we have received your address, but it will not be displayed! Nor will it be used for any purposes other than determining shipping costs and to ship the USL to you. The file which we use to track everything is encrypted and password protected.

To save time, I won't be individually confirming your address PM's. Since your PayPal payments will also include your shipping addresses, we'll be able to confirm them through that when it's time to ship. Just keep an eye on the list. It will have, in place of the Confirmed column, a "Have Address" column with yes/no's.

The bottom line is that we need addresses to determine shipping costs. We need shipping costs to finalize prices. We need prices so that we can open payments. And we need payments so that we can order everything, build 'em, and get 'em to you.

For those who have posted your zipcodes or international post code, please accept our apologies. Since we need complete addresses anyway, feel free to edit your posts and remove the information. Again, we apologize for this.


Please tell us how you would like for your packages to be shipped (air, insured, tracking, etc). I will put this info in your notes column. If you can provide a location (city, country), that would also help. Location information will not be posted in the public list.


Part 1 of the sign up thread can be found at Official USL Sign Up List (Pt 1).
Part 2 of the sign up thread can be found at Official USL Sign Up List (Pt 2).

More information may be found in The REAL USL Part II and Prepay early notice! , which contains links to previous threads (including pictures) as well as specifications of the USL.


Everyone considering a 3" head should be aware that the only colors that MIGHT be available would be Black and Natural. If your color preferences are for other colors and you want a matching head, you may wish to change your preferences. This does not mean other colors will not be available for the 3" head, just that they might not be.

There's a new thread, Battery construction details & History of the USL, which has an excellent explanation of not only the battery pack's development, but the history of how the USL has come about. While we're waiting for final costs, jump on over and take a look. You'll appreciate the USL even more.

Please note: Your preferences, as listed here, are simply that - your preferences. Ultimately, the specifications and options that will actually be available will be determined by bwaites. Including your preferences in the list (such as colors, 3" head, etc.) will help Bill determine what may or may not be possible.

The options include
<ul type="square">[*]one of two chargers, or no charger (Charger Info)
[*]a limited number of Black USL's, possibly other colors
[*]a choice of stealth head reflectors (see details below)
[*]an optional 3" head (delivery time is unknown)[/list]
Here are links to the charger manuals
<ul type="square">[*]Hitec RCD USA, Inc (standard) (then click "Product Support" on the right, then click "Manuals", and finally click "CG-340")
[*]Triton GPMM3150 Manual (upgraded))[/list]
Even if you don't want a Triton charger, I highly recommended the Triton's manual for anyone with questions about the various battery technologies and how to care for them!

The stealth head reflector choices include smooth, Light Orange Peel (LOP), Medium Orange Peel (MOP), and Heavy Orange Peel (HOP). An LOP reflector will be included by default. The LOP will smooth the beam some without losing much throw. If you would prefer one of the other reflectors instead of the LOP, please post your request in this thread. Additional reflectors may be bought. Extra reflectors are expected to cost $10-12 each, possibly less.

If you're already on the list, please review your entry and post in this thread whether everything is correct. It's close to the time when firm counts will be needed.

The default setup includes a standard charger & the LOP reflector in the standard stealth head. If you don't specify a color, it will be Bill's choice!

The List has been moved to the USL Payment Info thread.

Re: Official USL Sign Up List (Pt. 3) - CLOSES TODAY!!

prescottrecorder - the list is corrected.

We're now up to 69 USL's! Anyone want to make it a nice, even 70! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: Official USL Sign Up List (Pt. 3) - CLOSES TODAY!!

I might take a second light only, but after the prices are posted.
Re: Official USL Sign Up List (Pt. 3) - CLOSES TODAY!!

#36 Juancho reporting that my choices are o.k. EXCEPT that the 3" head should match the color of the light.
Please make note of that in the list.
thank you for bringing us "more light"
Juan C.
Re: Official USL Sign Up List (Pt. 3) - CLOSES TODAY!!

Starlight - PM sent.

juancho - it will be corrected in the next list update.
Re: Official USL Sign Up List (Pt. 3) - CLOSES TODAY!!

Yet another update! LOP and Smooth reflector, want to have the additional 3" head if it matches and, as previously stated, upgraded charger.
Re: Official USL Sign Up List (Pt. 3) - CLOSES TODAY!!

International shipping to Calgary, Alberta via regular airmail, please.
Re: Official USL Sign Up List (Pt. 3) - CLOSES TODAY!!

karlthev & Catman10 - your changes will be in the next list update.
Re: Official USL Sign Up List (Pt. 3) - CLOSES TODAY!!

curious. If we aren't on the list for the 3" head now, will we still have the option of getting one later when it becomes available?
Re: Official USL Sign Up List (Pt. 3) - CLOSES TODAY!!

The 3" head portion is to give Otokoyama, the designer of that head, an idea of how many people are interested.

I am sure he will open a thread to discuss it when he is ready to sell/take orders.

Re: Official USL Sign Up List (Pt. 3) - CLOSES TODAY!!

One last minute thought- where can I find pics of Natural and the other colors?
Re: Official USL Sign Up List (Pt. 3) - CLOSES TODAY!!

Check, or do a websearch for Maglites and several different vendors with lights will pop up.

Re: Official USL Sign Up List (Pt. 3) - CLOSES TODAY!!

Re: Official USL Sign Up List (Pt. 3) - CLOSES TOD

What will be the difference in charging time between the std and Triton chargers? I'm still wavering on the Triton thing. It only makes sense for me if I'm going to charge batteries for other devices with it as well as the USL. But I think there's some other batteries I'd like to charge.
Re: Official USL Sign Up List (Pt. 3) - CLOSES TODAY!!

Hi Bill, I hereby state my claim to I.F status & in doing so request that my shipment is insured, not too worried how you send it, wether it be by, air, land or sea, or even a combination of all three - will leave that up to your better judgement.
Cheers, Pat.
Re: Official USL Sign Up List (Pt. 3) - CLOSES TODAY!!

mst3k - it'll be in the next update.

naromtap - I'll have your insured shipping in the next update.
Re: Official USL Sign Up List (Pt. 3) - CLOSES TODAY!!

OK, since I have so many black lights, can I make mine blue? If not, black is fine.
Re: Official USL Sign Up List (Pt. 3) - CLOSES TODAY!!

The list has been updated.