Flashlight Enthusiast
Well we have both defended and criticized Apple quite a bit in the other thread but I read that any mp3 player will sound better with a headphone upgrade. I'm sure it's an attempt on the manufacturers to keep costs in line. I have a pair of Koss portapro's that I bought some time ago for I think around $40 after getting pretty favorable reviews. They do sound fairly decent, good bass, for the price but they are kind of bulky and not extremely comfortable and I don't see myself ever wearing them in the gym. On the other hand I don't see myself going to the other extreme and using canal phones. I'm not sure if I see myself shoving them in my ear and they tend to be expensive, from what I read it seems you got to spend at least a hundred dollars and the really good ones are multiple hundreds of dollars. So any good ones, along the same style as the Apple phones or what have you? I know we have discussed headphones before but I'm wondering about specific portable phones made for the portable players.