i suspect that is the one he is refering to, still not enough info
and i cant speculate what charging or BALANCINg they would put in a $500 gem such as that, but it is possible they left out balancing out of the charging internals.
which cell items would also make a big difference IF balancing was left out of the charging.
i speculate such things because still today they sell many things which have proper protection but lack good quality cell items, or balancing. the protection will properly cut off, and the charge will not be 100% fully complete, just because of an imbalance of the cells.
i dont see where at $500 and with such a new light your given any other choice than to talk to the manufacture, do whatever things they ask you to do to test things, and have them analise the problem or repair it as nessisary. once they see why the whole pack is acting in that manner, the least of thier repairs would have it working "ok" for more than a year, even if it was deficient. so it is an all around good choice to have them fix it, If it is really a battery issue.
Know anybody who has done a full dissasembly on one yet?