Olight M20 tailstand? other suggestion for 1st torch


Newly Enlightened
Jun 20, 2009
New England
I have been reading a bunch of information on her and thought I had decided on my first real torch, olight m20 warrior premium.:party: It is missing one thing for me though I'd like for my light to tailstand. Other suggestions on a light that might be similar with a tailstand.

Thanks for any suggestions. I doesn't need to be tatical but just a really good kick but light to use around house, camping etc.

appreciate it.
I think you can make it tail stand if you swap with the included GITD rubber switch cap http://light-reviews.com/olight_m20/

I didn't swap mine but a quick measure (eye-ball) of the height on the GITD rubber switch cap shows it's indeed lower profile than the black rubber switch cap. :)
Get the OP reflector version, the beam is much nicer. You can always swap out with the optional SMO reflector if you want a tactical throw later.

For alternatives and non-tactical use, perhaps you can consider one of these 2xAA lights (2xAA Round-up Review by selfbuilt)? http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=214890 sorry to derail your decision... :naughty: and :welcome:
My favourite: Fenix TK20
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