Olight S1 (older version) - deep carry pocket clip from older Energizer 1xAA lights


Jan 20, 2015
N. SD County
Was tinkering with some lights and remembered I had two older Energizer 1xAA lights and tried the clips on my Olight S1s and they worked as deep carry clips.

Just wanted to share in case anyone has both the Olights and some Energizers in a junk drawer :grin2:

These Energizer clips are lower profile than the stock Olight clips and the black looks cool against the Titanium and Copper.

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I purchased an O light about a year and a half ago. It charged and worked great for about a year, then it would charge properly and I would click the button and the light wouldn't come on half the time unless I took the battery out and put it back in. The quality of the body was great but the performance was disappointing after only a year. I didn't use it much either, I worked night shift unloading trucks. Anybody else have this issue?

make's a nice paper weight now. :mad:
sorry to hear that viperert. I don't use mine that much either, but they are not the rechargeable models. I run primaries or RCRs in them. Hope you get yours fixed.