One post...Two questions


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 20, 2002
Since joining CPF, my flashlight collection has gone from a modest 6 flashlights to about 18 flashlights (I became a CPF'er about two months ago...). My name is PJD, and I am a flashoholic.
Anyway, Q1: I'm trying to buy flashlights that I can actually USE for just about any given situation where I need a light, as well as lights that I just WANT
! I have yet to purchase a descent 2AAA light. I've bought a couple but have been disappointed (Hubbel, Pel SML...). Can anyone tell me how the PT Blast stacks up against other 2AAA lights as far as brightness and beam quality. I've been looking at getting one for a while, but hesitated because my last two 2AAA choices were somewhat of a bust...Xenon bulb is a must!!!
Q2: I'm going to be getting a SF E2e SOON, followed shortly by a question is how do these 2 lights compare as far as beam throw is concerned? I know they're relatively close in brightness (60Lu vs 65Lu), but as far as throw is concerned I haven't heard much of anything said on a comparison of the two. I WILL be getting both of these lights; the E2e simply because it is the best in it's class, and the 6P because of intensity options and a rechargeable capability (...I already have an E1...I'm working my way up
). Thanx in advance for any input...


...there is nothing in the world more frustrating than a lousy beam...
The PT Blast is in a class by itself. Unlike the other 2AAA lights, it's reflector has a greater diameter, faceted, and the beam and throw is much closer to a quality full size 2 cell light. The Pelican comes close, but it's smooth reflector doesn't give the beam quality. It also has a transparent bezel that emits too much side light.

You'll find many here have a great deal of respect for the UK 2AAA. It's a nice task light, and isn't a bad little light. But, my bet is on the PT Blast.
I have both the blast and the UKE penlite,the blast has a smooth beam nice hot spot but as far as distance I think the UKE beats the blast but only by a small margin.IMHO I would choose the blast,Oh the hot spot on the UKE has a fairly strong center but a spider web beam pattern.
Empath and Rycen...Thanx! I just ordered 2 PT Blasts
I'll get back with ya as soon as they arrive...
Anybody have any input on the E2e/6P "throw" question?


...there is nothing in the world more frustrating than a lousy beam...
The P60 lamp used in the 6P is slightly brighter and slightly tighter beam. The E2 or E2e has a smoother, softer beam. Check my regular lights site for all kinds of shots of them.