Opalec Newbeam in a Brinkmann AA? Do they fit?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2001
Houston, TX
I did searches on this, and other people have asked this question, but there are no replies.

Does anyone have an unmodified brinkmann AA Legend and an opalec newbeam that they can try it in?

If you have both, you know that they are completely reversable, and swappable, so trying it is not a problem.

I have purchased two of the Kroll tail caps from brightguy.com, and they are great, but my dog likes to chew on the rubber, and I don't think the kroll tail caps are certified dog proof!

I would buy one if there was a store around here that sold the brinkmann legend AA.

If no one verifies this, maybe I will break down and spend 10 bucks or so, and get one over the web. (I am going on a confence, and a mini-vacation, so I will do it when I get back!)

Anyone know of any good places to buy a brinkmann legend aa on the web?
I just tried it and the answer is...well, sort of, maybe, if you work at it. The Opalec LED unit will fit in the head and body of the Brinkman and the pin spacing looks like it will match the lamp socket, but you will have to cut off the plastic pins on the Opalec unit or drill some holes in the area around the lamp socket in the Brinkman to get them together. The Opalec spacer that replaces the Mag-lite reflector is too big to fit in the head of the Brinkman, but with a tailcap switch, you could do without that.
Yes with a BIG if.

IF you have an older Legend, that is, when Legend was made in U.S.A. and did not carry Brinkmann name on it, then it is really easy. Older Legend had a head piece bored just perfect for Opalec black spacer, it goes in as if it was meant to be. You will have to cut off two plastic legs at the bottom of Opalec LED assembly, as clean as you can, then you push that in where usual lamp goes in. It will be rather loose, those two metal pin is not long enough. Find a right direction (make sure the light turns on) and apply some glue, I used some gel type instant glue, and you can forget about that reversible part. Waited long enough to cure and outgas, screw on head piece snug, and that's it.

Couple things, Legend has a lens a little thicker than Mag, and that replacement lens supplied by Opalec didn't fit well, too loose. And if your old Legend is too old in condition, just salvage middle head piece (the piece that screws on body) and drop in to a new Legend.

I made 2 mods, one completely on old Legend, the other hybrid, both works just fine. I got my Legend 2AA from REI store at very reasonable price, much better than Brinkmann's online store.

IMHO, these are much better than Mag-Opalec combo.

If you can't find older Legend, then see mahoney above.