Opening a stainless LD01, Lumapower M3 TRansformer


Nov 29, 2006
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hey there.

I was a few threads a while ago about opening the Stainless steel Fenix LD01.

Does anyone have a link for it? I'd like to nuetralize mine (Q3 5A).

Also, does anyone have any info on getting to the circuit board of a Lumapower M3? I can't get the black plastic shroud off the circuit board. It seems like a nice host and I want to drop in my own circuit.

Can't seem to find these after much searching.

I opened an l0d by wrapping both parts in lots of hockey tape and clamped with vise grip and turn, popped open quite easily.
Of course I had to try to open the head of my stainless LD01 even though I'm quite satisfied with the LED. At least with my LD01 there was no problem att all to take apart the head. No need for pliers or warming the head, I used my hands and only had to apply a little force.
The head of my LD01 ss is seriously tight, will not budge with pliers. I also immersed the head in boiling water then ice water but still tight, any other suggestions about opening this ? :shrug:

I'm hoping to fit a red emmiter
Don't bother with heat, the two fenix I opened use the same heatsinking compound used under emitter as threadlocker, not locktite.