Opinions please: ARC AAA or ARC AAA LE???

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Hello, I have got to order an ARC AAA tomorrow
after reading all the positive input on them.
The thing is I can't find any info on just
how much better the *special* LED is that is
installed in the LE version. The LE is only
like 6 bucks more. Anyone have both models
with the white LED (mines gotta be white)
that can give me the lowdown on the LE's
superiority (is it brighter?)
The Arc LE has a much more consistant level of brightness and tint as they choose the highest rated LEDS for the light. The regular Arc will have a much more varied output although even the dimmest ones will not be greatly so. So if ordering a regular Arc, you might or might not get lucky and get one that is as bright as an LE or have the much less blue tint. The finish is another thing, the type III anodizing of the LE is definitely harder and more scratch resistant then that of the regular Arc. I can speak from personal experience on that. To me, it's a no brainer, I'm an LE fan.
I've purchashed 4 LE's & only 1 standard AAA. Of these, the standard model was as bright, if not brighter, as any of the LE's. Peter made a posting a while back that they had used the brighter LED's in some of the standard lights to get orders out when they didn't have the standard LED's. Maybe that's why they looked the same. But I would get the LE because I like the finish better. TX
Ditto to geepondy's comment, -for only a few bucks extra IMO, the output increase (about 20%), and the hard anodize makes for the very best keyring light in existence-(and the most costly
Thanks for the input guys. After summing it all
up, it sure sounds like a no-brainer.
LE it is.
ScottS the hard data is Arc AAA puts out 5400 mcd and the LE puts out 6800 mcd which if you do the math works out to 26% brighter plus Peter icks the better bulbs meaning they look "whiter" and less "blue". Hope this helps.
Thanks 5BY5. What does the mcd mean or
stand for? How does it fit in with the
CP and lumens rating?
Scotts MCD stands for millicandle so 6800 MCD = 6.8 candles. Also in my previous thread I said "icks" I meant picks. Also understand the hotspot of the beam will still have a bluish tint.
I just got an LE model tonight (from the mailbox). All I can is wow!

That little light is simply awesome. It does have a slightly blueish tint but, not enough to distort colors. It's a good thing it uses those cheap and readily available AAA batteries because this light is going to need them

Sid you made the right choice with the LE. The only thing we all forgot to tell anyone ordering the LE is order more than one because you WILL find yourself buying more.
I can't wait. I ordered an LE from TTS
yesterday. That has got to be the most
hi-tech little light made! I can't wait
to see what the future brings from the
ARC Flashlight Company.
I also can't get over the fact that it
uses AAA batteries and that subminiature
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 5BY5:
Sid you made the right choice with the LE. The only thing we all forgot to tell anyone ordering the LE is order more than one because you WILL find yourself buying more.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Also, being 'Limited' not a regular production model of Arc Flashlight, the supply of LED used on LE's may run out soon and Peter will stop producing these LE's.

I already got 2 LE's and planning to buy more as soon as my wallet replenishes its contents.

- verge -
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr Ted Bear:
Vcal and 5by5

Here is an interesting article that talks about the human visual system. It seems that 20 or 25% +/- light may not even be noticeable

human visual article @ HDS action light

That's a very good article on vsual acuity (which I consider paramount when judging a light). Very interesting was the observation that under certain conditions, looking slightly off center can reveal things not seen by looking "straight-on".

BTW-I noticed that article a year ago when I then (as now) wondered if that HDS light will EVER get back into production again.

Also-I have always felt that the amber color was an all around good choice for efficiency and acuity (to my eyes) -Esp. using LEDs.

Fwiw-that little LE version of the Arc did register a solid 25% increase over the regular Arc on my lux meters, and the color improvement is also appreciated.
If you have not already ordered the LE all I can say is DO IT!!! I own 4 of the regular models and 2 of the LE's (I've given 2 LE's as gifts also). They're both awesome lights but the LE is Hard Anodized...it's way more durable than the regular. If you're going to only have one it must be the LE.
TTS is the place to get it. Good price and great service.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr Ted Bear:
Vcal and 5by5

Here is an interesting article that talks about the human visual system
human visual article @ HDS action light

Hey ted thanks for the article. I too read that article about a year ago when I first got in to LEDs. I had lost it though and am now glad it's found again. It should be required reading for all Flashaholics, especially those brighter is better folks who i come across caving with who destroy my dark-adapted vision with their ultra-bright ultra narrow spot lights.