optic/reflector question


May 26, 2004
Roanoke, VA
I'm trying to find an optic or reflector that measures approximately 20mm wide and 10-11mm deep, for a HD Lux I star... I'ver looked everywhere for dimensions of different optics and reflectors, but everywhere I've looked only has the width listed. Any suggestions?
Have you checked on the Carclo optics. I haven't messed with them, but I've seen pictures and appear to show that they have a model that is much shorter than it is wide.

I don't think you'll want to use a reflector that is that wide an only 10mm deep. I don't think you'll like the beam. What you are describing is reminiscent of the reflector in an E1e. When bored to accept a luxeon, it results in a very wide sidespill with an almost useless hotspot.
Thanks, I'm looking up Carclo Optics now...

edit: Actually, I just found the dimensions for the Fraen LP optic... I think that it may work /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif