Orange photon III--best for long-life visibility marker?


Aug 21, 2001
Berkeley, CA
What is everyone's opinion on this color? I'm trying to find a Photon III (I like the fast blink feature) that has as long of a life as the red Photon III, but in a different and "noticeable" color.
I think the yellow/amber led might not be as bright as the orange...

I gave a friend a white Photon III and a red one. He uses them on his bike ride home every night--about a 8-10 minute ride. After two months, the red is still fairly bright. He's gone through TWO white photon III's! (I gave him mine after his dimmed...I suspect that both his and mine are the defective ones...they don't have microswitches. One of them completely died after another two weeks in my doesn't turn on at all--I guess it drained the batteries? I am going to warranty these...

Also, can anyone confirm that the new orange Photon III's still run off one CR2032 3V??? I thought that maybe they are overdriving these as well to 6V?


do you guys think a green driven at 3V (instead of the 6V they bumped it up to) will be more noticeable than the orange?

EDIT: okay, the oranges still run off one CR3032 3V, which is good...and are rated at 120 hours like the red and yellow...

Now, I wonder which one would be brighter and more noticeable: the Orange or the Green using 3V instead of the current 6V???? Craig? Have you done a comparison of the orange and green using the same battery?
Really? so it's not brighter than red? Hmmm...I have a red already...was hoping for something brighter, but with the same great battery life...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aragorn:
you wont find it. the orange actually made me nausios. it is very dim-very very dim-only good if ya have night vision<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Your must have gotten a POS because my orange Photon is very bright and of a really noticeable, distinct color like that of a NE2-H bulb, but much much brighter. I just now shined it on the wall next to the window in my front room (15 feet away) and I can still see the orange color showing on the wall.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by roger:

Now, I wonder which one would be brighter and more noticeable: the Orange or the Green using 3V instead of the current 6V???? Craig? Have you done a comparison of the orange and green using the same battery?

I have the orange and green (both using a CR2032) already set up, and the orange is brighter but the green has a wider beam.
When compared at point blank range so the spot size is the same, the orange still wins out, though not by a huge margin.
but craig the the red is more intense and bright than the orange from a visiblity standpoint. to be fair ill say that i dont like orange. it was not bad just not as good as red by a long shot. i suggest he get both and send back the one he doesnt like(ie orange
look at my post responce in the batt section

btw i dont need to worry about dislikeing your site as it looks like we'll never see it
seriously, youd have to do alot to make me dislike your site

as for craig id hope a difference in led preferences wouldnt make us enemys
i dont need to worry about dislikeing your site as it looks like we'll never see it

Looks like that may be true!

"This program has performed an illegal operation and will be closed down".


"Your computer is f***d. All that work you just did has now been trashed and you`ll have to try to do it again assuming it`ll work the second time round.


If I see that once more I swear I`m going to hurt someone. Or live out one of Craig`s longings and kick our toliet off the wall. I usually wear economy grade safety boots with steel tocaps so it won`t hurt me

Hmmmm........If you had both a red and orange LED of equal beam angle and Light output, wouldn't the orange be more visible seeing as how red is the least visible wavelength of light to the human eye......?
be fair ill say that i dont like orange

You`re going to hate my new site`s page format!

Oh- and you do know what happens when you disagree with Craig? Hint- see that urinator in his signature line?

Hey, thanks, guys. I have the red already. It's nice and bright! I like it...lasts long, too. My only problem was I wanted another color besides the red that would last just as long. My white photon III has just too short of a life...

Thanks, Craig and Aragorn. I will try the orange. William, if you are reading this, expect me to reinstate my order...